Music News

Premiere of the vocal cycle by Aaro Pertmann

On September 28 at 7 pm, Aaro Pertmann’s vocal cycle for soprano and string quartet Five Poems from Josef Knechts Studenthood (2009/2010) will be premiered in Paide Town Hall. At the chamber concert dedicated to the 720th birthday of composer’s hometown the new piece will be performed by soprano Pille Lill and string quartet Prezioso. The 5-part cycle is written on the text of Glasperlenspiel by Herman Hesse (translated in Estonian by Ain Kaalep).

The writer Herman Hesse’s family roots are connected to Estonian city of Paide (Weissenstein). The writer’s grandfather Carl Hermann Hesse (1802–1896) was a doctor in Järva county where he spent most of his life. He is buried in Paide Reopalu cemetary.

Concert is supported by Järvamaa Heritage Foundation, Paide City Government and the Estonian Ministry of Culture.
