
Erkki-Sven Tüür’s orchestral works in Germany, Switzerland and Latvia

In March 2012, Erkki-Sven Tüür’s works Searching for Roots, Insula deserta and Action.Passion.Illusion will be performed in Germany, Switzerland and Latvia.

Searching for Roots will be played under conducting of Paul Goodwin by Badische Staatskapelle on March 4 in Karlsruhe, and On March 16 by the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra in Riga under conducting of Olari Elts.

Zurich Symphony Orchestra with conductor Graziella Contratto plays Erkki-Sven Tüür’s Insula deserta in Zurich on March 25. The Munich Radio Orchestra plays Action.Passion.Illusion on March 30 in Neuhausen, the conductor is Ulf Schirmer.
