
New season of meeting series “Who are you, composer?”

The first guest of the Estonian Composers’ Union’s meeting series will be Tauno Aints, Estonian composer of younger generation who has written children’s music, choral music, film music, electro-acoustic music, works for folk music ensembe, bigband as well as symphony orchestra. Tauno Aints works as a teacher of music theory subjects in Tallinn Music High School and plays keyboards in a rockband Genialistid.

The aim of the meeting series "Who are you, composer?", started from autumn 2006, is to introduce Estonian composers, their artistic credo and wider views. In free atmosphere, the composer and his or her friends will get the floor. Meetings will take place once a month on Wednesdays in Estonian Composer’s Union House (Lauteri 7c). Entrance is free.

The first meeting of the new seoson will take place on October 31 at 7 p.m. in Estonian Composers’ Union House, evening will be carried through by composer Timo Steiner. Next meetings will introduce Eino Tamberg (November 28) and Helena Tulve (December 19). 
