Music News


Tallinn University Female Choir led by Linda Kardna gained first prize cum laude and Estonian United Boys’ Choir Kalev conducted by Hirvo Surva and Indrek Vijard achieved first prize at 56th European Music Festival for Youngsters in Neerpelt, Belgium. The competition took place from May 1 to 5 in seven categories that were divided into two classes in turn. There were 93 choirs participating in all.

Tallinn University Female Choir competed in category E where six choirs were participating. The obligatory song for female and male choirs was “Arthropodoi” by Raymond Schroyens. The jury consisted of Sabine Haenebalcke, Olof Stenlund, Kari Ala-Pöllänen, Silvere van Lieshout and Andre Grootensnen. The result achieved, cum laude, means the choir got 90% of maximum points.

Estonian United Boys’ Choir Kalev participated in category F where eight choirs were competing. The obligatory song in the category of mixed youth choirs was “Song” by Roland Coryn. The jury involved Kurt Bikkembergs, Roland Coryn, Johan Van Bouvelen, Fritz Ter Wey and Robert Sund. To achieve the first prize it was necessary to gather 80% of possible points.

Maria Mölder 
