
New Estonian choral music concert

On April 23, Estonian Choral Association in collaboration with Estonian Composers’ Union are jointly organising a new choral music concert for the second year. The concert will be held at Tallinn Methodist Church at 7 pm. New choral works by composers Tauno Aints, Liisa Hirsch, Maria Kõrvits, Tõnu Kõrvits, Urmas Lattikas, Riho Esko Maimets, Evelin Seppar, Mart Siimer, Mirjam Tally, Veljo Tormis, Mari Vihmand and Peeter Volkonski will receive their premiere, also works by Piret Rips-Laul, Pärt Uusberg and Mariliis Valkonen will be performed.

The concert features Female Choir of Estonian Choral Conductors (conductors Andrus Siimon and Õnne-Ann Roosvee), chamber choir Collegium Musicale (conductor Endrik Üksvärav), Musamari Choir School’s Children’s Choir (conductor Tiina Mee), Radio Song Studio’s Children’s Choir (conductors Kadri Hunt and Kaie Tanner), Mixed choir K.O.O.R. (conductor Raul Talmar), Tallinn Music High School Chamber Choir (conductor Janne Fridolin), The Academic Male Choir of Tallinn University of Technology (conductor Peeter Perens) and Old Town Music House Children’s Choir (conductors Maret Alango and Kaiu Põld). Artistic directors of the concert are Janne Fridolin and Ardo Ran Varres.

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