Mixed Choir Noorus 50

Mixed Choir Noorus 50
Mixed Choir Noorus 2009

1. Hans Hindpere "Nooruse laul" (Song of Youth)
2. Lembit Veevo "Sügisene kuldnokk" (Autumnal Starling)
3. Gustav Ernesaks "Emale" (To Mother)
4. Eino Tamberg "Üks väikene laul" (One Little Song)
5. Aarne Männik "Meie elu" (Our Life)
6. Veljo Tormis "Dialektilised aforismid" (Dialectical Aphorisms)
7. Lembit Veevo "Naera" (Laugh)
8. Mart Saar "Luule, see ei tule tuulest" (Poetry Doesn't Come from a Wind)
9. Anti Marguste "Tass teed" (Cup of Tea)
10. Veljo Tormis "Noorpaari õpetamine" tsüklist "Vadja pulmalaulud" (Instructing the Newlyweds from the cycle Votic Wedding Songs)
11. Arvo Ratassepp "Noorusele" (To Youth)
12. Cyrillus Kreek "Kannel"
13. Kuldar Sink "Kyrie eleison"
14. Urmas Sisask "Dona nobis pacem"
15. Mart Siimer "Homme" (Tomorrow)
16. Raimo Kangro "Mina tahan" (I Want)
17. Leo Normet "Puhkus Viljandis" (Holiday in Viljandi)
18. Margo Kõlar "Kuhu lähed?" (Where Are You Going?)
19. Gustav Ernesaks "Külm" (Cold)
20. Veljo Tormis "Vägisi mehele" tsüklist "Vepsa rajad" (Forced to Get Married from the cycle Vepsian Paths)
21. Peep Sarapik "Ma lillesideme võtaks" (I Would Take a Flower Chain)
22. Rudolf Tobias "Varas" (Thief)

Mixed choir Noorus, conductors August Lüüs, Maie Kivita, Ene Üleoja, Merike Toro, Raul Talmar

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