Music News

Viljandi Guitar Festival 2009

From September 22 to 26, Viljandi Guitar Festival will take place for the second time. The idea of the festival is to promote improvisational and traditional guitar music. Paul Bollenback (America) with Raul Sööt Quartet, Andreas Öberg (Sweden), Teemu Viinikainen (Finland) with Agan-Viinikainen Quartet, Trio Dynamite Vikings (Sweden-Denmark-Estonia), Riho Sibul Electric Trio with Andres Põldroog, Andre Maaker, Ensemble UMA and last years audience favorite Jalmar Vabarna with Viljandi Guitar Trio.
In addition to concerts, master classes, student projects and Jam-sessions are held. Viljandi Guitar Festival also pays attention to introducing instruments which are relative to guitar. This year Lan Weiwei from China plays pipa (a Chinese instrument belonging to the plucked category of instruments).
During the festival the Tiit Paulus Young Guitar Player Prize will be awarded.
Viljandi Guitar Festival is organized in cooperation with the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy and Viljandi Town Government. Artistic directors of the festival are Ain Agan, Aleksei Saks and Robert Jürjendal.
More information: Viljandi Guitar Festival

Aveli Kadastik
