Music News

Premiere of Tõnu Kõrvits’s work at the Ghent Bassoon Festival

Tõnu Kõrvits

Bram van Sambeek

On Saturday, April 19, Tõnu Kõrvits’s work for solo bassoon will be premiered at the Ghent Bassoon Festival in Belgium. Three-part work bears the title Solitudes and will be performed by Bram van Sambeek – Dutch bassoon player and pedagogue of Codarts Conservatory in Rotterdam. Last year, van Sambeek together with Ties Mellema and Koen Plaetinckiga made the first performance of Kõrvits’s Lamentations on a theme B-A-C-H in Amsterdam. Ghent Bassoon Festival takes place in April 19 and 20 in Royal Conservatory of Ghent and offers masterclasses, workshops, concerts and recitals. Van Sambeek plays beside Kõrvits also music by Johann Sebastian Bach and Sebastian Fagerlund.

Look also: Bram van Sambeek
Ghent Bassoon Festival
