
Valter Ojakäär 85

On the 10th of March, Valter Ojakäär will celebrate his 85th birthday. Valter Ojakäär is the Estonian composer and music publicist who has introduced popular and jazz music to locals for decades, foremost with successful broadcast series in the radio and books on Estonian popular music history. His songs have gained a great popularity. In February 2008 Ojakäär was awarded the state lifework prize. As a long-time saxophone player in Estonian Radio Variety Orchestra, Valter Ojakäär celebrates his birthday in the Radio House in Tallinn.

The birthday will be celebrated in the First Studio of Estonian Radio on March 6 at 6 p.m. Estonian Dream Big Band, Raivo Tafenau, Tallinn City Theatre actors and actresses Hele Kõre, Evelin Pang, Andero Ermel, Indrek Ojari, Mart Toome, Priit Võigemast, Veiko Tubin, Külli Teetamm and Argo Aadli, Estonian Youth’s Symphony Orchestra, Kiigelaulukuuik, Elo Toodo, Kristel Kurik and Ivo Linna will perform at the birthday concert. Conductors are Jüri-Ruut Kangur and Jüri Leiten. Concert will be broadcasted live on Vikerraadio, the recording of the concert will be shown in Estonian Television on March 9 at 1.30 p.m. An exhibition of the life of Valter Ojakäär is displayed in the gallery of the Radio House.

Mariliis Valkonen 
