Music News

The State Concert Institute Eesti Kontsert opening concerts of the new season

The State Concert Institute Eesti Kontsert will open its season with two concerts of Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra (hr-Sinfonieorchester) in Tallinn and Tartu. The orchestra under the guidance of its chief conductor Paavo Järvi will perform on August 27 at Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn at 7 pm and August 28 at Vanemuine Concert Hall at 7 pm.

Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra

The program consists of Violin Concerto No. 1 and Rhapsody No. 1 by Béla Bartók and Symphony No. 4 E flat major by Anton Bruckner.

Performances in Estonia will be the two last concerts of the European concert tour of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra. The tour started on August 18 in Amsterdam and continued in Stresa and Prague. Besides the compositions that will be played in Estonia, the program also consisted music by Zoltán Kodály, Ludwig van Beethoven and Antonín Dvořák.

Internationally recognized Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra collaborates regularly with world famous conductors and soloists. The repertoire of the orchestra extends from early music to contemporary pieces. One of the top priorities of the orchestra is the work with children and youth. Since 2006, Paavo Järvi is the chief conductor of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Agnes Toomla
