Music News

Early music festival „Ceciliana“ opens today

From Februar 26 to March 1, early music festival Ceciliana, organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre will be held for the fist time. Artisitc director of the festival is harpischord player Imbi Tarum. The aim of the festival is to introduce the work and activities of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and partner universities' students and teachers. Four concerts of the festival features both acknowlededged Estonian musicians of early music and guests from abroad.

Opening concert on February 26 at Adamson-Eric Museum at 6 pm:
Peeter Sarapuu (baroque bassoon), Reet Sukk (recorder, baroque fute), Imbi Tarum (harpsichord), Reinut Tepp (harpsichord) and Teel Jõks (mezzo soprano)
Program: Georg Philipp Telemann, Michel Corrette etc.

February 27 at Adamson-Eric Museum at 6 pm:
Lauri Honkavirta (harpsichord), Laura Ollberg (harpsichord)
Program: Johann Sebastian Bach and  Wilhlem Friedeman Bach

February 28 at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre organ hall at 6 pm
Anna-Liisa Eller (kannel), Polina Miina (harpsichord), Leo Dubovski (harpsichord), Tiina Tomingas (harpsichord), Karolina Normak (baroque violin), Ott Indermitte (bariotne), Ka Bo Chan (contratenor)
Program: Louis Couperin, Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antoni Vivaldi

Closing concert on March 1 at Rotermanni Salt Storage at 3 pm:
Fabio Ciofini (harpsichord), Andrea Di Mario (baroque trumpet), Andrea Mion (baroque oboe) and Gloria Banditelli (vocals)
Program: Domenico Scarlatti, Alessandro Stradella, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Benedetto Marcello, M. Franceschini and Johann Rosenmüller

The festival also includes public lecture The Influence of vocals to instrumental music by Terni Music Institute professors and workshops, run by the early music professor Fabio Ciofoni (harpsichord, organ) from Terni Music University, Andrea Di Mario (baroque trumpet), Andre Mion (baroque oboe), Gloria Banditelli (singer).
