Music News

St. Michael’s Boys’ Choir performs in Warsaw

On March 17th, St. Michael’s Boys’ Choir will perform at Mass in Dominican Church, Warsaw. The choir also gives a concert in Dominican Church. The conductors of the choir are Kadri Hunt and Lehari Kaustel.

St. Michael’s Boys’ Choir has specialized mostly on historical church music, Estonian spiritual folk hymns among other things. The choir was founded in 1989 in the musical program of Collegium Educationis Revaliae that is oriented on ecclesiastical culture. The choir also has a small instrumental group, mainly consisting of the choir boys. St. Michael’s Boys’ Choir has co-operated with a number of other collectives like Linnamuusikud, Vox Clamantis, the liturgical drama studio Wegajty from Poland etc. The choir is a member of the worldwide organization of youth and children’s choirs who sing liturgical music, Pueri Cantores.

Maria Mölder
