Aare Kruusimäe’s new piece Circle of Life (2010) will be performed at the 20th anniversary concert of the Estonian National Library's Female Choir on Sunday. New seven-part cycle is written on texts by Marie Under, Anna Haava, Mart Raud, Paul-Eerik Rummo and Doris Kareva and is dedicated to choir’s 20th birthday. As a singer of the Estonian National Male Choir, Kruusimäe uses foremost male choir while writing choral music. Still, in 2009 also female choir cycles Five Sacred Folk Songs and Life of Simple Wife were premiered. The same year also Discovering the World was first performed by joint choirs in XXV Estonian Song Celebration.
Concert of choral music by Estonian composers will take place on May 22 at 5 pm at Tallinn House of Brotherhood of Black Heads. Conductors are Anneli Surva and Kristi Jagodin, concert features also Helen Põldmäe on piano and actor Andres Ots.