Music News

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir to sing Estonian choral music in Germany

In the middle of May, Estonian choral music is going to be performed by Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in Germany. The concert programme of the two days tour includes sacred folksong arrangements by Cyrillus Kreek, choral works by Arvo Pärt, his “Magnificat” among them, and choral work “Jusquez au printemps” (“When Spring Comes”) by Toivo Tulev written on the texts of the two chansons by Josquin des Prez.

Concerts of Estonian choral music will take place in the frame of the festival “Scene: Estland, Lettland, Litauen in NRW” on May 12, in Überwasserkirche, Münster and May 13, in Dome Church, Cologne. Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir will be conducted by its current artistic director and principal conductor Paul Hillier. 
