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Young Estonian pianist Mihkel Poll is 2006 Tallinn International Piano Competition winner

Young Estonian pianists Mihkel Poll and Sten Lassmann became the laureates among 43 participants of the Tallinn International Piano Competition, held in June 4–15.

The first prize and 12.000 € was awarded to Mihkel Poll (19), student of Prof. Ivari Ilja at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The second prize and 9.000 € was awarded to Chinese Gang Sun (23) who is obtaining Master’s degree at Central Conservatoire of Music in Peking. The third prize and 6.000 € was awarded to the Master’s level student of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Sten Lassmann (24) and to Russian pianist Danil Sayamov (23), graduate of the Moscow Conservatoire.

Lithuanian pianist Gintaras Januševičius (21) and Polish pianist Szczepan Kończal (21) got finalists diplomas and 3.000 €.

Mihkel Poll got also a special prize of the International Eduard Tubin Society and real estate company 1Partner for the best performance of Eduard Tubin´s work.

The jury of the competition consisted of Prof. Pascal Devoyon (Universität der Künste Berlin, Paris Conservatoire), Prof. Petras Geniušas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Prof. Ivari Ilja (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), Prof. Aleksandra Juozapenaite-Eesmaa (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), Prof. Matti Raekallio (Sibelius Academy, Finland), Prof. Joaquin Soriano Villanueva (Royal Conservatoire of Madrid), Prof. Ming Yang (Central Conservatoire of Music Bejing, China).

Tallinn International Piano Competition was arranged by EPTA Estonia and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. 

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