CD Ajaraamat. Conductor Arvo Ratassepp

CD Ajaraamat. Conductor Arvo Ratassepp
Estonian Female Song Society 2019
Price: 15.00 €

CD 1
1.-2. Arvo Ratassepp Songs from epic "Kalevipoeg"
3. Arvo Ratassepp "Liblik"  ["Butterfly] "
4. Arvo Ratassepp "Eesti mullad" ["Estonian Soils"]
5.-10. Arvo Ratassepp Choral Suite "Songs of Kalevipoeg"
11.-14. Arvo Ratassepp Male Choir Cycle "Memories of Father"
15. Arvo Ratassepp "Saunas" ["In Sauna"]
16. Arvo Ratassepp "Külmasõnad" ["Frost Words"], "Vihmasõnad" ["Rain Words"]
17. Arvo Ratassepp Cantata "Laulud ei lõpe" ["Songs Don’t End"]
18. Anti Marguste "Lind poegadega" ["Bird with Nestlings"]
19. Cyrillus Kreek "Talvine õhtu"  ["Wintry Night"]
20. Eduard Tubin "Igatsus" ["Yearning"]
21.-22. Veljo Tormis Two Songs from "Jaanilaulud" ["St. John's Day Songs"]

CD 2
1. Veljo Tormis "Raua needmine" ["Curse upon Iron"]
2. Ester Mägi Cantata "Merelinnale" ["To the Sea Town"]
3. Evald Aav "Me oleme põhjamaa lapsed" [„We Are the Children of North"]
4. Alfred Karindi "Lõikuse laul" ["Harvest Song"]
5. Anatoli Garšnek "Lodjapuu õitseb aias" ["Blooming Snowball Tree in the Garden"]
6. Richard Ritsing "Tulease" ["Fireplace"]
7. Ester Mägi "Mõistatused" ["Riddles"]
8. Veljo Tormis "Lahemaa laul" ["Song of Lahemaa"]
9. Veljo Tormis "Sööge, langud" ["Eat, My In-laws!"]
10. Eugen Kapp "Kaluri laul" ["Fisherman’s Song"]
11. Eugen Kapp Cantata "Läänemeri – rahumeri" ["Baltic Sea – Sea of Peace"]
12. Arvo Ratassepp "Ajaraamat" ["Book of Time"]

Performers: Female Choir of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Male choirs of Estonian Song Celebration, Male Choir of National Economy Council, Voldemar Panso (text), Male Choir of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Karl Adre (text), Composers’ Union Chamber Choir, Tallinn Chamber Choir, Rein Mustasaar (tenor), Johann Merila (baritone), Veljo Tormis (shaman drum), Tallinn Selected Choirs, State Mixed Choir of Choir Conductors, Estonian Radio Mixed Choir, Children’s Choir „Ellerhein“