DVD The Goblin. Ballet by Eduard Tubin

DVD The Goblin. Ballet by Eduard Tubin
Estonian National Ballet, ERP 2017
Price: 15.00 €

Composer: Eduard Tubin
Choreographer and Stage Director: Marina Kesler
Conductor: Vello Pähn
Costume Designer: Gerly Tinn
Set Designer: Madis Nurms
Lighting Designer: Karmen Tellisaar
Videe Designer: Argo Valdmaa
Graphics: Joanita Janson
Chorus Master: Elmo Tiisvald

The Master: Denis Klimuk
The Devil: Anatoli Arhangelski
The Goblin: Eneko Amorós
Farmhand: Jevgeni Grib
Daughter: Marika Muiste

Estonian National Opera Orhestra, Female Chorus and the Estonian National Ballet