1. Phoenix - Disquiet Butterfly
2. Fornax - Mystery of Colors
3. Scluptor - The Sleeping Beauty
4. Caelum - Journey to the Temple
5. Telescopium - Gentle Touch
6. Miroscopium - Gentle Answer
7. Sextans - A Jolly Wolf
8. Antlia - Increasing the Power
9. Libra - Tintabul Tentacles
10. Scorpius - ...Force
11. Lupus - A Butterflu for a Wolf
12. Capricornus - A Vain Wolf
13.Crater - Klara's Paw
14. Pictor - A Little Romantic
15. Scutum - A Sharp Sword (Toccata)
16. Piscis austrinus - Drifting Alone
17. Pisces - Got Enlightened (Anthem to the Starry Sky)
18. Pyxis - A Dreamer's Visions
19. Norma - "Kuijti-Huijti" (Life behind Pleiades)
20. Grus - The Creeping Wolf
21. Corona austrina - The Magic of Pearls
22. Sagittarius - Forward to the Future
Yuko Yoshioka (klaver)
Urmas Sisask. Starry Sky Cycle. Equatorial Sky
Yuko Yoshioka (klaver)
Yuko Yoshioka 2020