Calendar of Music Events
Age of Englightenment. Lightness and Darkness
conductor Reinhard Goebel
Jean-Féry Rebel. Chaos from the cycle Les Élémens
Georg Friedrich Händel. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351
Joseph Martin Kraus. Symphonie funèbre in honour of Gustav III
Joseph Haydn. Symphony No. 100 in G major, Hob. I/100
at 18:00 - Estonia Concert Hall (pre-concert)
at 19:00 - Estonia Concert Hall
Tickets: Piletikeskus
More info: ERSO

conductor Reinhard Goebel
Jean-Féry Rebel. Chaos from the cycle Les Élémens
Georg Friedrich Händel. Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351
Joseph Martin Kraus. Symphonie funèbre in honour of Gustav III
Joseph Haydn. Symphony No. 100 in G major, Hob. I/100
at 18:00 - Estonia Concert Hall (pre-concert)
at 19:00 - Estonia Concert Hall
Tickets: Piletikeskus
More info: ERSO