Calendar of Music Events

Caravaggio and Monteverdi. Music and tableaux vivant

Location: Pärnu Concert Hall
Time: 19:00

Teatri 35
La Venexiana

Marco da Gagliano, Monteverdi, Schütz
Music and tableaux vivant

The concert program I Look at You (Pur Ti Miro) is a staged concert dedicated to the paintings of Michelangelo Merisi – known as Caravaggio (1571–1610), and the music of Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643).

The audience is presented with a selection of Caravaggio’s masterpieces, staged with the help of tiny gestures and minimal movement, which dialogue with live music. The art project was born as a joint creation of Theatre 35 (a theatre troupe engaged in the production of works of art) and La Venexiana, an ensemble performing Italian Renaissance and Baroque music.

Tickets and more info: Eesti Kontsert
