- Composer: Sink, Kuldar
- Years: 14.09.1942 - 29.01.1995
- Title: Music for feature film "This lost way"
- Genre: Film music
- Instrumentation: flute, harp, voice, guitar
- Number of movements: 3
Titles of movements:
Interlude II
Across the Water (Juhan Liiv) - Text: Juhan Liiv
- Incipit (lyrics): Üks laevuke läeb üle vee, läeb üle vee ja lainete
- Year: 1990.
- Type of manuscript: Author manuscript
- Sort: Score
- Composer: Sink, Kuldar
- Work: Music for feature film "This lost way"
- Number of pages: 16
- Date:
- Status: Finished
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_11387 M 286:2/58
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