Database of manuscripts


  • Composer: Ojakäär, Valter
  • Years: 10.03.1923 - 27.10.2016
  • Title: To Whom the Moon Belongs
  • Genre: Popular songs
  • Instrumentation: voice, accompaniment
  • Text: Aleksander Suuman
  • Incipit (lyrics): Kui ema hoopis väikeseks mind veenab ja õhtul jalutama minna keelab
  • Year: 1969.


  • Type of manuscript: Copy of manuscript
  • Sort: Piano score
  • Composer: Ojakäär, Valter
  • Work: To Whom the Moon Belongs
  • Number of pages: 6
  • Date:
  • Status: Finished
  • Location: Estonian Music Foundation
  • Number: Folder No. 712
  • Digital copy: Pdf
  • Digital archive: Estonian Music Information Centre

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