- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Years: 14.03.1905 - 20.09.1962
- Title: Estonian Soil and Estonian Heart
- Genre: Works for voice(s) with chord symbols or unspecified accompaniment
- Instrumentation: voice, (accompaniment)
- Text: Lydia Koidula
- Incipit (lyrics): Süda, küll sa ruttu tõused kuumalt rinnus tuksuma, kui su nime suhu võtan püha Eesti isamaa!
- Year: 1954.
- Type of manuscript: Author manuscript
- Sort: Vocal part(s)
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Estonian Soil and Estonian Heart
- Number of pages: 2
- Date: 1954
- Status: Finished
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_6538 M 357:2/15
- Type of manuscript: Author manuscript
- Sort: Vocal part(s)
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Estonian Soil and Estonian Heart
- Number of pages: 1
- Date: 7.10.1935
- Status: Finished
- Draft: Yes
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_9353 M 357:2
- Additional notes: Melody without lyrics. Probably meant for a choir
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