- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Years: 14.03.1905 - 20.09.1962
- Title: Song About Stalin
- Genre: Works for joint choir or multiple choirs and orchestra
- Instrumentation: tenor, joint choir (segakoor, naiskoor, meeskoor), symphony orchestra: 2222, 4321, 1+2, harp, strings
- Number of movements: 12
Titles of movements:
1. Andante
2. Maestoso
3. Con moto
4. Andantino
5. Andante moderato
6. Con moto
7. Alla marcia
8. Piu mosso
9. Tempo giusto
10. Maestoso
11. Fugato
12. Maestoso - Text: Juhan Smuul, Russian translation by Paul Anton
- Incipit (lyrics): Ево, мубрость нам дала победу (in Russian)
- Year: 1948.
- Type of manuscript: Copy of manuscript
- Sort: Score
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Song About Stalin
- Number of pages: 1
- Date:
- Status: Unfinished
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_8885 M 357:2/9
- Additional notes: the beginning
- Type of manuscript: Copy of manuscript
- Sort: Piano score
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Song About Stalin
- Number of pages: 20
- Date:
- Status: Finished
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_8877 M 357:2/9
- Additional notes: text in Russian
- Type of manuscript: Author manuscript
- Sort: Choral score
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Song About Stalin
- Number of pages: 4
- Date: 28.05.1948-29.05.1948
- Status: Finished
- Draft: Yes
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_8885 M 357:2/9
- Additional notes: part No. 11 "Stalin, We Love Your Name", mixed choir part
- Type of manuscript: Author manuscript
- Sort: Choral score
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Song About Stalin
- Number of pages: 2
- Date:
- Status: Unfinished
- Draft: Yes
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
- Number: ETMM_8885 M 357:2/9
- Additional notes: partly without lyrics
- Type of manuscript: Copy of manuscript
- Sort: Orhestral parts
- Composer: Võrk, Enn
- Work: Song About Stalin
- Number of pages: 361
- Date:
- Status: Finished
- Draft: Yes
Estonian Music Foundation
- Number: Folder No. 565
- Digital copy: Pdf
- Digital archive: Estonian Music Information Centre
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