Leo Normet



  • Pear Tree [Pirnipuu]
    comical opera in one act
    soloists, symphony orchestra: 1011, 1100, 0+1, piano (celesta), strings
    Libretto: Leo Normet after Betti Alver's poem with the same name
    Fp: directed by Arne Mikk, conductor Eri Klas; November 13, 1973, Theatre Estonia, Tallinn
    CD „Estonian National Opera 100. 2, Opera, romance”, Estonian Record Productions (2006). Iris’s tango: Viivika Vasar (mezzo-soprano), Theatre Estonia Symphony Orchestra, conductor Peeter Lilje
  • Light in Koordi [Valgus Koordis]
    opera in four acts
    Act 1:
    1. Prologue No. 1. Scene with Choir
    2. Prologue No. 2. Scene with Choir
    3. Aino's Recitative and Arioso
    4. Prellude. Scene and Alviine's Monologue
    5. Scene and Runge's Aria
    6. Scene and Muuli's Aria
    7. Final Scene (Scene and Septet)

    Act II:
    8. Scene and Duet (Roosi, Kamar)
    9. Scene and Duet (Aino, Runge)
    10. Scene and Tercet (Aino, Runge, Vao)
    11. Final Scene (Semidor, Roosi, Maasalu and choir)

    Act 3:
    12. Prelude. Arno's Song and Scene with Choir
    13. Dance Scene with Choir
    14. Scene with Choir. Runge's Arioso
    15. Final Scene

    Act 4:
    16. Prelude
    and Vao's Aria
    17. Scene and Ensemble with Choir
    18. Scene with Choir and Semidor's Couplets
    19. Final Scene
    20. Epilogue. Scene with Choir
    21. Finale of the Opera

    soloists, mixed choir, symphony orchestra: 2322, 4231, 1+2, harp, strings
    Libretto: Dagmar Normet after Hans Leberecht’s novel
    Fp: March 25, 1955, Theatre Vanemuine, director Udo Väljaots


  • Stella Polaris [Stella Polaris]
    operetta in three acts
    Act I
    Scene I
    1. Song of Tourists
    2. The World is Wonderful
    3. Pebre's Couples
    4. Lizzy-Kitty-Kitten
    5. Good-bye, My Little Golden Boy
    6. Song of Mulgi
    7. Dear Paths of My Childhood
    8. Ode to H2O
    9. Finale I
    Act II
    10. When These White Nights Come
    11. March of Poor Men
    12. To Be Together Forever
    13. Lindane Lee
    14. Joke Song
    15. Revue Scene "Umbrellas"
    16. Revue Scene. Variation I - "A Woman from Paris", Variation I - "Turkish Girl", Variation III - "A Woman from Tahiti", Variation IV - "A Woman from Hungary", Variation V - "Spanish Woman"
    17. Finale II
    Act III
    18. Don't Believe!

    soloists, girls' choir, boys' choir, male choir, mixed choir, orchestra
    Libretto: Ralf Parve
    Fp: February 5, 1961, Theatre Estonia, Tallinn, director Enn Toona
    CD “Harry Vasar”, Murutar, Vasar (2006). Lauri’s Romance: Harry Vasar, Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Ülo Raudmäe
    CD „A Fairy Tale of a Prince and Papa Carlo”, Sameleid (1996). Lauri’s Romance: Harry Vasar (tenor), Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Ülo Raudmäe
  • Lights at the Home Port [Tuled kodusadamas]
    operetta in three acts and six scenes (in cooperation with Edgar Arro)

    Act I
    Picture I:
    1. Vernal Tallinn Invites You Home
    2. March of Students
    3. Ensemble of Crammers
    4. Today, My Dear Ones, the World Is Smiling to Me
    5. Margit and Spring
    6. Gunnar Arrives Home
    7. When I Drove Around the World
    Picture II:
    8. At Home Shore
    9. I Miss the Movie
    10. I Sang to You
    11. Finale I

    Act II
    Picture III:
    11a. It's Raining
    12. Duet of Coffee
    13. One Little Leap
    14. Friendship of Men
    15. It Happens Only in Rio
    Picture IV:
    15a. At the Sea
    16. Song of JUhan
    17. Ladybug
    18. Song of Students- Couplet
    19. Gunnar's Song about the Sea
    Picture V:
    20. Alfred Doesn't Care
    21. Finale II

    Act  III
    Picture VI:
    21a. March of Students
    21b. Week Round-up of Anne and Mati
    22. Perloon-Nylon
    22. Mutual Credo of Alfred and Margit
    23. Finale Ultimo

    soloists, vocal ensemble, orchestra: 2121, alto saxophone in Es, 2210, 1+2, jazz percussion (large drum, small drum, sticks, brushes, cymbals), guitar, harp, celesta, piano, strings
    Libretto: Dagmar Normet, Kulno Süvalep
    Fp: directed by Kulno Süvalep, conductor Vallo Järvi; October, 24, 1958, State Academic Theatre Estonia
    CD „Estonian National Opera 100. 8, Operetta, musical“, Estonian Record Productions (2006). Lea’s Song: Asta Vihandi (soprano), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi; Duet of Anne and Mati: Sophie Sooäär (soprano), Endel Pärn, Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi; Gunnar’s Song: Ants Aasma (baritone), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi
    CD „Estonian National Opera 100. 9, Operetta, musical“, Estonian Record Productions (2006). Juhan’s Song: Ott Raukas (bass), Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi; Lea’s Song: Paula Padrik (soprano), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi
    CD “Unustamatu Paula Padrik, sopran: aariaid ooperitest, kammer- ja operetilaule”, Padrik (2002). Lea’s song: Paula Padrik (soprano), Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi
    CD „Igal sadamal oma tuli“, Eesti Piirivalve Orkester, Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemiline Meeskoor (2000). Mati Palm (bass)
    CD “Meremehe süda”, Eesti Piirivalve Orkester (1999). Juhan’ song: Mati Palm (bass), Estonian Border Guard Orchestra (1999)
    CD „Vallutanud meeli operett“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1999). „Meeste sõprus on kindel“: Katrin Karisma, Väino Puura, Estonian Defence Forces Orchestra, conductor Peeter Saan
  • Jüri from Rummu [Rummu Jüri]
    operetta in five acts and six pictures; in cooperation with Edgar Arro
    Prelude (Overture)

    Act I

    Picture I:
    1. A Test of Strength
    2. Mocking Song
    3. Song about Pruntas Madis
    4. Jüri's Song
    5. Elts's Singsong
    6. Kurt's Swank
    7. Finale I

    Act II

    Picture II:
    8. The Bosses' Drinking Song
    8a. Cuckoo-Waltz
    9. Ballet-Intermedium
    10. Minna's Song
    10a. Minuet
    11. Adelheid's Sigh
    12. Finale II

    Act III

    Picture III:
    13. Elts's Song
    14. Duetino of Elts and Jüri
    15. Duet of Elts and Jüri
    16. Rein's Song
    17. Terzetto
    17a. The Coming of Jaak
    17b. Finaletto III

    Act IV

    Picture IV:
    18. Girls' Choir
    18a. Boys' Song
    19. Jüri's Song
    19a. Old Woman's Singsong
    20. Värdi-Tilde's Roller

    Picture V:
    21. Swing Song
    22. Come to the Bonfire
    23. Polka
    24. Needle Game
    25. Pull, Jüri
    26. Finale IV

    Act V

    Picture VI:
    27. The Church and the Pub
    27a. Scene with Choir
    27b. Church (Chorale of the Ending)
    27c. Kurt's and Kingly's Festive Wedding March
    27d. Mats's Preach
    28. Finale Ultimo

    soloists, choir, symphony orchestra
    Libretto: Huko Lumet, Alfred Mering
    Fp: October 17, 1954, State Academic Theatre Vanemuine, director Udo Väljaots, Endel Aimre in title role
    CD „Estonian National Opera 100. 8, Operetta, musical“, Estonian Record Productions (2006). Elts’s Song: Ester Lepa (soprano); Boys’ Song: Heino Otto (tenor), Artur Linnamägi (bass); Rein’s Song: Alfred Mering; Tilde and Värdi’s duet: Sophie Sooäär, Valter Luts; Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi
    CD „Opera arias & duets ; Operetta & musical”, Estonian Radio (2001). Jüri’s performance song and Jüri’s song: Georg Ots (baritone), Estonian Radio Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vallo Järvi
    CD „Kõnnin hilisel õhtul“, Vanemuine (1999). Jüri’s song: Endel Aimre (baritone), The Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra, conductor Jaan Hargel
    CD „Vallutanud meeli operett“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1999). Tilde-Värdi’s Waltz: Katrin Karisma, Tõnu Kilgas, Estonian Defence Forces Orchestra, conductor Peeter Saan
    CD “Unustamatu Georg Ots“, SE & JS Meedia (1995). Jüri’s song: Georg Ots (baritone)
  • Following Hermes [Hermese kannul]
    operetta, in cooperation with Boris Kõrver
    1. Introduction (Leo Normet)
    2. Bikers´ March (Boris Kõrver/Ilmar Sikemäe)
    3. Hey, Boys! (Boris Kõrver/Dagmar Normet)
    4. Pancakes´ duet (Leo Normet/Dagmar Normet)
    5. Tallinn Waltz (Leo Normet/Ilmar Sikemäe)
    6. Estonian Polka (Boris Kõrver)
    7. When Steam Whistle Echoes (Boris Kõrver/Dagmar Normet)
    8. Finale (Leo Normet)
    8a. I Sing to You (Leo Normet/Ilmar Sikemäe)
    9. Song of Moscow (Officer and the Hotel Guests´ Choir) (Leo Normet)
    10. Aime´s Song "Fragile as a Dream..." (Leo Normet/Leo Normet)
    11. Mari-Ann
    12. Grotesque Dance "Song Without Words" (Leo Normet)
    13. Competitors´ March (Boris Kõrver)
    14. Duet "I Would Sing Like Vanemuine..." (Leo Normet/Leo Normet)
    15. Dance
    16. Hermes´ Dance (Boris Kõrver)
    17. Tempo di valse
    18a. Hey, Boys! (Boris Kõrver)
    18b. Bikers´ March (Boris Kõrver)
    18c. Muki and Porters (Boris Kõrver/Leo Normet)
    19. Wedding Scene (Leo Normet/Dagmar Normet)
    20. Dance. L'istesso tempo
    21. Always Returns (Leo Normet/Dagmar Normet)
    22. Finale ultimo (Leo Normet)

    soloists, choir, orchestra: 3222, 2 alto saxes, tenor sax, 2230, 1+2, harp, piano, strings
    Text: Dagmar Normet, Leo Normet, Ilmar Sikemäe
    Fp: July 12, 2004, Pirita racetrack building, Tallinn, director Ivo Eensalu
  • Daughter of Three Fathers [Kolme isa tütar]
    operetta in three acts, in cooperation with Edgar Arro (similar material with operetta "Lights at the Home Port")
    Act I
    1. The Festive Table is Covered (Margareete, Stepan, Raudsepp)
    2. Veljo Comes Home (Veljo, Margareete, Stepan, Raudsepp, Peeter)
    2a. March of the Three Fathers (Stepan, Veljo, Peeter)
    3. Vernal Tallinn Invites You Home (Inga)
    4. Peeter Can't Stand Flowers (Endla, Peeter)
    5. The Coming of Inga and Orest (Inga, Orest, Endla, Margareete, Stepan, Peeter, Raudsepp)
    6. Neptun Comes Himself (Endla, Margareete, Stepan, Veljo, Peeter, Raudsepp, Orest)
    7. Orest Loves (Orest)
    8. I Sang for You (Veljo, Inga, Endla, Margareete, Orest, Peeter, Stepan, Raudsepp)
    Act II
    9. Rimma Introduces Herself (Rimma)
    10. Duet of Rimma and Veljo (Rimma, Veljo)
    11. One Little Passbye (Rimma, Orest)
    12. Fathers Go to the Sea! (Inga, Raudsepp, Veljo, Stepan)
    15. Ladybug (Inga)
    16. Orest Jubilates (Rimma, Orest)
    17. Veljo's Song About the Sea (Veljo)
    18. Friends Got Together (Endla, Peeter)
    19. Attention! Bafd Dog (Margareete, Stepan)
    20. Inga Leaves the Theatre (Final II) ((Stepan, Margareete, Raudsepp, Inga, Veljo, Endla, Peeter, Orest, choir)
    Act III
    21. Lawyer Can't Understand Things (Stepan, Peeter, Raudsepp, lawyer)
    21b. Peeter's Self Critics (Peeter)
    21c. Rimma's Songs Are Sang (Rimma, Veljo, Orav (text))
    22. End Good, All Good (Finale ultimo) (Inga, Veljo, Endla, Margareete, Stepan, Peeter, Raudsepp, ad lib. accompaniments)

    soloists, mixed choir, symphony orchestra
    Libretto: Dagmar Normet,Igor Vsevoloschky

Musical and/or drama and/or dance works for stage

  • Come Join Our Circle! [Tule me ringi!]
    song play
    1. Prologue and the Song On Air
    2. Epp´s Article
    2a. Ending of Scene 1
    3. Beginning of Scene 2
    3a. Oh, How Hard Are Days
    3b. Quartet Practices
    4. Come Join Our Circle!
    5. Wind Brings
    5a. Ending of Scene 2
    6. Evening Song
    7. Fisherman´s Heartache
    8. Epp and Twilight
    9. Six Times Six
    10. Ending of Scene 3
    11. Girls´ Mocking Song
    12. Those Who Have Been to Our Forest
    13. Final Song

    voices, accompaniment
    Libretto: Leida Tigane
    Fp: 1962, Märjamaa Cultural House
  • Quarrel Out of Nothing [Tüli tühja asja pärast]
    song play
    Act 1:
    Opening Song
    1. Maali and Selma´s Quarrel Song
    2. Kalju and Milvi in Their New Home
    3. Jüri Introduces Himself
    4. Suspicious Story
    5. Mari Ends the Act

    Act 2:
    6. When You See a Flaw...
    7. Tenacious Song
    8. Mari and Jüri Disagree
    9. Maali´s Heartache

    Act 3:
    10. Mari and Jüri Make Up
    11. When Spring Knocks On the Door...
    12. Things Start to Diverge
    13. Final Song

    soloists, orchestra
    Libretto: Mai Talvest
    Fp: 1960, Nõmme Cultural Centre, Tallinn
  • Hussar´s Story [Husaari lugu]
    From Ferenc Molnár´s play "Guard Officer"
    voice, violin, piano
    Text: Leo Normet

Musicals for children

  • Cat's Boots [Kassi saapad]
    children's musical in four acts
    Act I
    1. Brother Love of Ats and Mats
    2. Jass's Fish Song (Song about Fishing)
    2a. Testament
    3. Sending Off Jass
    4. Jass and Village Youngsters
    5. Puss in Boots
    6. Final Scene of Act I
    Act II
    7. Mill of Dreams
    8. Lullaby of Puss in Boots
    9. Magical Witch
    10. Scene of a Dream and Song of a Mill
    11. The King
    12. Foolish Story
    13. Dance of the Golden Bunny
    14. Story of Good Hope
    Act III
    15. Guard Parade
    16. Princess
    17. Von Kumm Is Maneuvering
    18. Cats Amongst Themselves
    19. Terzetto "What Somebody Likes"
    20. Ode to the Sausage
    21. Final Scene
    Act IV
    21a. Again "Song of Good Hope"
    22. Exorcising the Mill

    soloists, mixed vocal ensemble, girls' choir, boys' choir, accompaniment
    Text: Leo Normet

Musical and/or drama and/or dance stage works for children

  • Music for puppet play "Din´s Shoe" [Muusika nukunäidendile "Din´i kingake"]
    orchestrated by Vladimir Tarkpea
    voices, instrumental ensemble: 2 clarinets, trumpet, 2 violins, campanelli
    Libretto: S. Zeltser, S. Dimant, translated by Mart Sillaots


Works for wind orchestra

  • Holiday in Viljandi [Puhkus Viljandis]
    setting of the song of the same title (1946) by Ülo Raudmäe
    wind orchestra
    Fp: July 2009, Tallinn Song Celebration Grounds, XXV Song Celebration "To Breathe as One"


Wind quintets

  • Sketches for Wind Quintet [Eskiisid puhkpillikvintetile]
    in 3 movements
    wind quintet


Works for piano

  • 12 Twelve-tone Experiments for Piano [12 kaheteisttoonilist katsetust klaverile]
    1. Mirror Canon
    2. Will-o’-the-wisp
    3. Alla marcia
    4. Cradle song
    5. Humoresque
    6. Heterophony
    7. Ben ritmico
    8. Drops
    9. Recitativo
    10. Carol
    11. Waltz
    12. Liberation
  • Romance [Romanss]
  • Prelude and Miniature Fugue [Prelüüd ja miniatuurne fuuga]
    1. Prelude. Allegro
    2. Miniature Fugue. Moderato con moto

  • Greetings from Afar [Kauged tervitused]
  • Prelude and Dance [Eellugu ja tants]
    1. Prelude. Andantino con moto
    2. Dance. Allegro moderato



  • Avenger´s Path [Tasuja radadel]
    Text: Leo Normet

Works for mixed choir and instrument(s)

  • Songs from Operetta "Lights at Home Port" [Laule operetist "Tuled kodusadamas"]
    1. Vernal Tallinn Invites You Home (female voice, piano)
    2. Earth Is Spinning (male voice, piano)
    3. Margit and Spring (female voice, piano)
    4. Come to the Cafe, My Friend (female voice, male voice, piano)
    5. Ladybug (female voice, piano)
    6. Friendship of Men (female voice, male voice, piano)
    7. Gunnar's Song about the Sea (male voice, piano)
    8. It Happens Only in Rio (male voice, piano)
    9. Every Lighthouse Has It's Light (male voice, piano)
    10. Happens in Our Life (female voice, male voice, piano)
    11. March of Students (mixed choir, piano)

    female voice, male voice, duet (female voice, male voice), mixed choir, piano
    Text: Dagmar Normet, Kulno Süvalep

Works for children’s choir and instrument(s)

  • Hello, Sun! [Tere, päike!]
    children´s choir, piano
    Text: Ralf Parve
  • Song to Mother [Laul emale]
    children´s choir, piano
    Text: Valeeria Villandi

Works for voice(s) and orchestra

  • Aino's song from opera "Light in Koordi" [Aino laul ooperist "Valgus Koordis"]
    voice, symphony orchestra: 2322, 4000, 1+1, harp, strings
    Text: Dagmar Normet

Works for voice(s) and instrument(s)

  • Don't Believe Me [Mind ära usu]
    voice, piano, percussion
  • Forest Berries [Mõtsamarju]
    voice, piano, percussion
    Text: Eha Lättemäe

Works for voice(s) and piano

  • At the Mill [Veskil]
    voice, piano
    Text: Aino Otto
  • Tahkuranna [Tahkuranna]
    voice, piano
  • Northern Song [Põhjamaine laul]
    bass, piano
    Text: Frans Michael Franzen, Leo Normet
    Fp: Mati Palm (bass), Tarsina Alango (piano); October 18, 1976, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn
  • Scottish Songs [Šoti laulud]
    song cycle
    1. Of a' the Airts the Wind can Blaw
    2. My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose
    3. John Anderson, My Jo
    4. Comin' Through the Rye
    5. Ae Fond Kiss
    6. Scots, Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
    baritone, piano
    Text: Robert Burns
  • García Lorca y la muerte (Lorca and Death)
    ballade cycle
    1. Silence (El Silencio)
    2. Malaga-song (Malagueña)
    3. White Ballade (Ballada blanca)
    4. Rider's Song (Córdoba. Canción de Jinete)
    5. Hoot (El Grito)
    soprano, piano
    Text: Frederic García Lorca
  • Two Autumn Songs [Kaks sügislaulu]
    male vocal quartet, piano
    Text: Lilli Promet
  • Chamber music
    song cycle
    1. The Wild Duck (J. Masefield)
    2. Beauty (J. Masefield)
    3. I Hear an Army (J. Joyce)
    4. Laugh and Be Merry (J. Masefield)
    5. Chamber Music (J. Joyce)
    voice, piano
    Text: John Masefield, James Joyce, translated into Estonian by Leo Normet
  • At the Lake [Järvel]
    voice, piano
    Text: Kersti Merilaas
  • Pine Trees on the Coast [Rannamännid]
    song cycle
    1. Pine Trees on the Coast
    2. In the Express Train
    3. The Day Sings in Blossom
    4. I Don’t Want Anything Else
    5. How Would You Live
    voice, piano
    Text: Johannes Semper
    CD “Northern coast”, J. Pärg (2008); Jüri Pärg (baritone)
  • Songs at Dawn [Aoaegsed laulud]
    song cycle
    1. Servant's Morning
    2. In the Church
    3. Blacksmith
    4. At the Wedding
    5. Cottager
    6. A Day of a Widow
    voice, piano
    Text: Kalju Lepik
  • Watercolors [Akvarellid]
    cycle of romances
    1. Song About Green Wind
    2. Song About Swimming Clouds
    3. Song About Whooping Lark
    4. Song About the Red Echo of the Sun
    voice, piano
    Text: Paul-Eerik Rummo
  • Songs of Wedding Fool [Pulmatola laulud]
    song cycle
    1. Wedding Fool
    2. On the Old Stairs
    3. Homely Beach
    4. It’s Time for Us...
    voice, piano
    Text: Uno Laht
    CD “Northern coast”, J. Pärg (2008). Only “On the Old Stairs”: Jüri Pärg (baritone)
  • He Fell as a Hero [Ta langes kangelasena]
    voice, piano
    Text: Alexander Pushkin (in Russian)
  • Holiday in Viljandi [Puhkus Viljandis]
    from the operetta “Following Hermes”
    voice, piano
    Text: Leo Normet
    2 CD-s „Rohelised niidud“, Forte, Eesti Rahvusringhääling (2024); Estonian Radio Male Quartet
    CD “Läbilõige: Noorus 50”, Segakoor Noorus (2009). Mixed Choir Noorus, conductor Raul Talmar
    CD „Songs of the Estonian Theatre“, Tallinn City Theatre (2007); Andero Ermel (vocal), Mart Toome (vocal), Indrek Ojari (vocal), Ain Agan (guitar), Taavo Remmel (double-bass), Toomas Rull (percussion), chamber ensemble
    CD „Vallutanud meeli operett”, Orchestra of the Defence Forces (1999); Katrin Karisma (vocal), Tõnu Kilgas (vocal), Sirje Puura (vocal), Väino Puura (vocal), Orchestra of the Defence Forces, conductor Peeter Saan
  • Echoes [Kaja (Echoes)]
    voice, piano
    Text: Thomas Moore (in English)
  • Serenade [Serenaad]
    voice, piano
    Text: Wilhelm Hauff (in German)
  • Elegy [Eleegia]
    voice, piano
  • My House Behind the Red Hill [Punase künka taga mu maja (My House Behind the Red Hill)]
    voice, piano
    Text: Ch. Dunn (in English)
  • Slow Waltz [Aeglane valss]
    voice, piano
    Text: Ilmar Sikemäe
  • Kalev´s Son by His Father´s Grave [Kalevipoeg isa haual]
    baritone, piano
    Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald
  • Lullaby [Unelaul]
    voice, piano
    Text: Ilmar Sikemäe
  • White Clovers Blooming at Home [Nüüd õitsvad kodus valged ristikheinad]
    voice, piano
    Text: Ernst Enno
  • Questioning Eyes [Küsivad silmad]
    voice, piano
    Text: Kersti Merilaas
  • Round Game Song [Ringmängulaul]
    voice, piano
    Text: Dagmar Normet
  • Song of the Courageous (Песня смелых) [Julgete laul (Песня смелых)]
    voice, piano
    Text: Mark Boianzhu (in Russian), translation into Estonian by Dagmar Normet
  • Songs from opera "Light in Koordi" [Laule ooperist "Valgus Koordis"]
    1. Paul´s Aria "To Home!"
    2. Aino´s Aria "One Tells Me!"
    3. Scene "Semidor Begins to Ride"
    4. New Year´s Song
    5. Vao´s aria "Song of an Old Oak"

    6. Swamp Dryers´ Choir
    soloists, mixed choir, piano
    Text: Dagmar Normet
  • Songs from Operetta "Lights at Home Port" [Laule operetist "Tuled kodusadamas"]
    1. Vernal Tallinn Invites You Home (female voice, piano)
    2. Earth Is Spinning (male voice, piano)
    3. Margit and Spring (female voice, piano)
    4. Come to the Cafe, My Friend (female voice, male voice, piano)
    5. Ladybug (female voice, piano)
    6. Friendship of Men (female voice, male voice, piano)
    7. Gunnar's Song about the Sea (male voice, piano)
    8. It Happens Only in Rio (male voice, piano)
    9. Every Lighthouse Has It's Light (male voice, piano)
    10. Happens in Our Life (female voice, male voice, piano)
    11. March of Students (mixed choir, piano)

    female voice, male voice, duet (female voice, male voice), mixed choir, piano
    Text: Dagmar Normet, Kulno Süvalep
  • Songs from Operetta "Stella Polaris" [Laule operetist "Stella Polaris"]
    1. Stella Polaris (voice, accompaniment)
    2. Song of Tourists (voice, accompaniment)
    3. Joke Song (female voice, male voice, accompaniment)
    4. To Be Together Forever (male voice, accompaniment)
    5. When These White Nights Come (female voice, accompaniment)
    6. The World Is Wonderful (female voice, accompaniment)
    7. Waltz of Poor Men (female voice, male voice, accompaniment)
    8. Lindane Lee (voice, accompaniment)

    female voice, male voice, duet (female voice and male voice), accompaniment
    Text: Ralf Parve
  • Viennese Songs (Wienrische Lieder) [Viini laulud (Wienrische Lieder)]
    voice, piano
  • When Rye Blooms [Siis kui rukis õitseb]
    3 female voices, piano
  • Wolf's Tale [Hundi lugu]
    voice, piano
    Text: Heljo Mänd

Works for voice(s) with chord symbols or unspecified accompaniment

  • Dance of Tahkuranna [Tahkutants]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Leo Normet
  • New Year Song [Näärilaul]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Ralf Parve
  • Whirl of the Snowstorm [Tuisutuhin]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Johannes Koortmann

Works for mixed choir a cappella

  • Pärnu Spring (Baltic Herring Songs) [Pärnu kevad (Silgulaulud)]
    1. Mai - Fisherlady
    2. Burned Baltic Herring of the Past Times
    3. Fisherman Is the King
    mixed choir
    Text: Kersti Merilaas
  • Come to Me [Tule mulle]
    mixed choir
  • O, Villages and Taverns [Oi, külad, oi, kõrtsid]
    mixed choir
    Text: Hando Runnel
  • The Sea [Meri]
    mixed choir
  • Winter Mood [Talvemeeleolu]
    mixed choir

Works for male choir a cappella

  • Freedom of the North [Põhjala vabadus]
    male choir
    Text: Ilmar Sikemäe

Works for children’s choir a cappella

  • Hello, Sun! [Tere, päike!]
    children's choir
    Text: Ralf Parve
  • A Friend of the Pioneers [Pioneeride sõber]
    children's choir
    Text: Ilmi Kolla
  • Girl Friends [Sõbratarid]
    children's choir
    Text: M. Bojanzhu (in Russian)


Songs for children

  • Song to Mother [Laul emale]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Valeeria Villandi
  • Winter Polka [Talvepolka]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Johannes Koortmann
  • 1st May [Esimene mai]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Dagmar Normet
  • Hurry, Letter [Rutta, kirjake]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: M. Bojanžu
  • Winter Polka [Talvepolka]
    3 voice children´s ensemble, piano (for 3 hands)
    Text: Ingrid Koortmann


Music to plays

  • Music for Ingo Normet's puppet play "The Little Mermaid" [Muusika Ingo Normeti nukunäidendile “Näkineid”]
    in two acts, based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Little Mermaid"
    Act  I
    1. Prelude (The Sea)
    2. Under the Water
    3. Song of a Little Mermaid
    4. Funny Fish
    5. Mistress of the Sea
    6. Dance of the Mermaid
    7. Calm Sea and the Boat of the Prince
    8. Song of the Prince and Duet
    9. Captain, Firework and Storm
    10. Escaped Prince
    11. Monastery
    12. The King

    Act II
    13. Again Under the Water
    14. Prelude and Polonaise
    15. Farewell Song of the Mermaid
    16. At the Witch's Place
    17. Birds of the  castle
    18. Menuet
    19. Waltz
    20. Love
    21. Scene in the Castle
    22. Neighbour King
    23. Wedding and Wedding March
    24. Dance of the Peacock
    25. Farewell Waltz
    26. The Sea Is Becoming Free

    soprano, tenor, piano, synthesizers
    Text: Ingo Normet after Hans Christian Andersen
  • Music from Ingo Normet's puppet play "The Little Mermaid" [Muusikat Ingo Normeti nukunäidendist "Näkineid"]
    in three acts, based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Little Mermaid"
    I Sea
    1. The Sea
    2. Under the Water
    3. Mistress of the Sea
    4. Dance of the Mermaid
    5. Calm Sea
    6. Captain
    7. Firework and Storm
    8. Rescued Prince
    9. At the Witch's Place
    10. Prelude and Polonaise
    11. Becoming to Sea Foam
    II The Castle
    12. Monastery
    13. The King
    14. Birds of the Castle
    15. The Other King
    16. Wedding March
    17. Dance of the Peacock
    18. The King Again
    III The Little Mermaid
    19. The Song of the Mermaid
    20. Prince and the Mermaid
    21. Waltz
    22. The Farewell Song

    soprano, tenor, piano, synthesizers
    Text: Ingo Normet after Hans Christian Andersen
  • Music for Leida Tigane’s song play “Come to Our Circle” [“Tule meie ringi”]
  • Music for August Jakobson´s play "Jackals" [Muusika August Jakobsoni näidendile "Šaakalid"]
    1. Introduction
    2. Live Advertisement (Живая реклама)
    3. Slowly and Humbly (Медленно и "смиренно")
    4. Child Soldiers (Уход "армейцев")
    5. Salvation Army (Армия спасения)
    6. Allegro con frivolezza
    7. Ku-Klux-Clan
    8. Martin Morris
    9. Finale

    voices, orkester: 3232, 2 alto saxes, tenor sax, 4231, 1+2, piano, strings, bass, drums
    Text: August Jakobson

Music to radio drama

  • Music for the radio drama "The Fairy Tale of My Life: Northern Song" [“Minu elu muinasjutt: Põhjamaine laul”]
    Estonian Radio


Works for light music orchestra

  • Dance and Waltz from the opera "Light in Koordi" [Tants ja Valss ooperist "Valgus Koordis"]
    orchestrated by Rein Ploom
    1. Dance. Allegro ma non troppo poco pesante
    2. Waltz. Allegretto

    light music orchestra: flute, 4 clarinets, 2 cornets, 2 trumpets, 2 french horns, 5 saxophones, 3 trombones, 2 basses, snare drum, cymbals, gran cassa

Popular songs

  • I Sing to You a Song of Pärnu [Laulu Pärnust sul’ laulan]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: E. Vilgats
  • Hiiu Islander's Song [Hiidlase lauluke]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Mats Traat
  • On the Ski Hill [Suusamäel]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Ralf Parve
    Distributor: Publication  from 1963 is available in EMIC Music Shop
  • Village Lilacs [Külasirelid]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Heiti Talvik
    CD “Unforgettable Artur Rinne“, SE & JS Meedia (1995). Artur Rinne, Estonian Radio Light Music orchestra, conductor Rostislav Merkulov
    Distributor: Publication from 1963 is available in EMIC Music Shop
  • My Home Is in the Lap of the Seas [Mu kodu on merede süles]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Albert Uustulnd
    CD “Northern coast”, J. Pärg (2008). Jüri Pärg (baritone)
    CD „It was, it is, it will be. 2”, J. Pärg (2005). Jüri Pärg (baritone), Estonian Radio Light Music Orchestra, conductor Peeter Saul
    Distributor: Publication from 1963 is available in EMIC Music Shop
  • Our Tallinn [Meie Tallinn]
    voice, accompnaiment
    Text: Paul Rummo
  • A Feast of the Penguins [Pingviinide pidu]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Leo Normet
  • Beer Song [Õllelaul]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Kalju Kass
  • Merry-making [Pillerkaar]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Kersti Merilaas
  • Sunny Pärnu [Päikeseline Pärnu]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Leo Normet
    CD “Soovide linn... laule õitsevast Pärnust”, Eesti Raadio (2003). Sepo Seeman, Pärnu City Orchestra, conductor Erki Pehk
  • Why is it So? [Ja miks on see nii?]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Dagmar Normet