Enn Võrk
- Works for orchestra
- Works for solo instrument(s) and orchestra
- Works for ensemble
- Works for solo instrument
- Vocal and choral music
- Incidental music
- Folksy music
- Orchestrations and arrangements
Works for symphony orchestra
Adagio and Scherzo [Adagio ja Scherzo]symphony orchestra: 1110, 2110, harmonica (keyboard) or piano, strings
Manuscript -
Cod Polka [Tursa polka]
Scherzo [Scherzo]symphony orchestra: 2222, 3020, percussion (1+0), strings
Works for string orchestra
Fugue B-A-C-H [Fuuga B-A-C-H]
Adagio [Adagio]string orchestra
Works for wind orchestra
Singers March [Lauljate marss]
The Mightiness of the God [Looja vägevus]wind orchestra
Manuscript -
To Homeland [Isamaale]
Works for violin and orchestra
Variations [Variatsioonid]1925
violin, string orchestra
When I Was Little [Kui ma olin väiksekene]variations
Theme. Adagio
Variation I. Andante
Variation II. Andante con moto
Variation III. Allegro
Variation IV. Moderato
Variation V. Moderato
Variation VI. Andante con moto
Variation VII. Scherzando
Variation VIII. Cadenza e Fuga
violin, string orchestra; or violin, symphony orchestra: 1110, 2110, harmonica (keyboard), strings
Introduction „The Voice Is Sounding Differently in the Heart“ [Introduktsioon „Hääleke teisiti südames heliseb“]
Two Pieces [Kaks pala]
Meditation sur Capriccio Donti [Meditation sur Capriccio Donti]
Intermedium [Intermeedium]cello, harp, organ
String quartets
String Quartet in G minor [Keelpillikvartett g-moll]1. Allegro moderato
2. Adagio cantabile
3. Moderato e grazioso
string quartet
Fp: Johannes Paulsen (I violin), Rudolf Milli (II violin), S. Sorgato (viola), Raymond Bööcke (cello); spring 1926, graduates concert of the Tallinn Conservatoire
Manuscript -
Adagiostring quartet
Works for piano
Fuga in A Major [Fuuga A-duur]
Fuga in G minor [Fuuga g-moll]
Fugue No. 8 "B-A-C-H" [Fuuga nr. 8 "B-A-C-H"]
Sonatine [Sonatiin]
Imitations I-VI [Imitatsioonid I-VI]
Fugue No. 15 [Fuuga nr. 15]
Fugue No. 21 [Fuuga nr. 21]
Fugue No. 7 [Fuuga nr. 7]
Fugue No. 9 [Fuuga nr. 9]
Fuga in E flat Major [Fuuga Es-duur]piano
Manuscript -
Fugue in E minor [Fuuga e-moll]piano
Manuscript -
On the Pasture [Karjamaal]piano
Manuscript -
Piano Piece in B flat Major [Klaveripala B-duur]piano
Manuscript -
Manuscript -
Three-voiced Fugue in C minor [Kolmehäälne fuuga c-moll]piano
Works for organ
Fugue [Fuuga]organ
Works for mixed choir and orchestra
Look After (Vigilate) [Valvake (Vigilate)]oratorio
Part 1:
1. Overture. Andante
2. Recitative for Tenor (Ta tuli välja pühakojast...)
3. Solo for Baritone. Moderato (Päevad tulevad, et sellest kõigest...)
4. Mixed Choir. Moderato sostenuto (Sest päevad jõuavad sinugi kätte...)
5. Recitative for Tenor (Siis küsiti temalt...)
6. Solo for Baritone. Andante (Katsuge, et teid ei eksitaks...)
7. Male and Female Choir. Allegro con fuoco (Rahvas tõuseb rahva vastu...)
8. Solo for Tenor. Andante lamentoso (Aga enne kõike seda...)
9. Recitative for Alto (Aga see sünnib...)
10. Solo for Alto. Andante con moto (Sest Tema annab teile Vaimu...)
11. Mixed Choir. Grave (Ka meie vanemad ja vennad...)
12. Solo for Baritone. Andante cantabile (Teie süda ärgu kohkugu...)
Part 2:
13. Overture. Pesante
14. Recitative for Tenor (Kui te siis näete hävituse koledust...)
15. Mixed Choir. Tempo giusto (Sest need on kättemaksu päevad...)
16. Solo for Baritone. Andante (Kuid paluge, et teie põgenemine...)
17. Male Choir. Largo (Ja kui neid päevi ei lühendataks...)
18. Recitative for Alto (Kui siis keegi teile ütleb...)
19. Mixed Choir. Allegro moderato (Sest otsegu välk sähvab...)
20. Recitative for Tenor (Ja päikeses, kuus ja tähtedes on ennustusmärke...)
21. Solo for Tenor. Moderato (Ja siis ilmub Inimese Poja tunnustäht...)
22. Solo for Baritone. Moderato (Aga kui see kõik hakkab sündima...)
23. Female Choir. Allegretto (Vaadake viigipuud...)
24. Solo for Baritone. Andante (Nõnda ka teie, kui te näete seda...)
25. Mixed Choir. Allegro moderato. (Taevas ja maa hävivad...)
Part 3:
26. Overture
27. Solo for Baritone (Olge nüüd ärkvel...)
28. Recitative for Tenor (Kui aga inimesed ütlevad...?
29. Solo for Soprano (Teie kõik olete ju valguse lapsed...)
30. Female Choir (Valvake! Ja ärge magage nagu teised...)
31. Recitative for Tenor (Aga Issanda päev tuleb kui varas öösel...)
32. Solo for Tenor (Ent praegused taevad ja maa...)
33. Male Choir (Valvake, valvake, valvake!...)
34. Recitative for Baritone (Ja seda tehke sellepärast...)
35. Solo for Baritone (Öö on möödumas...)
36. Mixed Choir (Valvake, valvake, valvake!...)
Part 4:
37. Solo for Baritone. Moderato (Päevad tulevad, et sellest kõigest...)
38. Male Choir. Moderato, pesante (Sest päevad jõuavad sinugi kätte...)
39. Solo for Soprano. Andante lamentoso (Jumala tarkus...)
40. Mixed Choir and Terzetto. Grave (Nende veri tuleb selle-sinase sugupõlve...)
41. Solo for Baritone. Larghetto (Sina, kes sa tapad prohvetid...)
42. Male Choir and Duet. Flebile (Teie koda jäetakse teile laastatuna...)
43. Quartet. Agitato (Kui see kõik nõnda langeb põrmuks...)
44. Final Choir and Soloists. Allegro (Meie ootame, meie ootame...)
soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, mixed choir, symphony orchestra: 3222, 4331, 1, harp, strings
Text: New Testament
Fp: Kädy Plaas (soprano), Helen Lokuta (alto), Mati Turi (tenor), Rainer Vilu (bass), Nargen Opera Choir, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste; July 22, 2005, Rapla Church, the opening concert "Enn Võrk 100" of the Rapla Church Music Festival
Manuscript -
God! Why Have You Left Me [Jumal! Mispärast oled Sa mind maha jätnud]vocal-fugue on Johann Sebastian Bach's Theme
mixed choir, organ, string orchestra
Text: Psalm of David, No. 22
Works for joint choir or multiple choirs and orchestra
Song About Stalin [Laul Stalinist]cantata
1. Andante
2. Maestoso
3. Con moto
4. Andantino
5. Andante moderato
6. Con moto
7. Alla marcia
8. Piu mosso
9. Tempo giusto
10. Maestoso
11. Fugato
12. Maestoso
tenor, joint choir (segakoor, naiskoor, meeskoor), symphony orchestra: 2222, 4321, 1+2, harp, strings
Text: Juhan Smuul, Russian translation by Paul Anton
Works for mixed choir and instrument(s)
Quickly Go By [Kiirelt kaovad]1959
soloist, mixed choir, piano
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic)
Manuscript -
Order of the Main- and Secondary Liturgical Service [Pea- ja kõrvaljumalateenistuse kord]1. Confession Service
2. Word- and Prayer Service
3. Eucharist Service
4. Thanking- and Blessing Service
- Service Without Eucharist
- Order of the Secondary Service
minister, mixed choir, organ
Text: The Bible
Works for female choir and instrument(s)
Works for joint choir or multiple choirs and instrument(s)
Sing, Free Nation [Laula, vaba rahvas]cantata for the 13th song festival's joint choirs
joint choir (female choir, mixed choir, male choir), 4 x 4 French horns, 5 x 4 trumpets, 3 x 3 timpanis, 6 x 2 tamburo piccolo, piatti, gran cassa
Text: Debora Vaarandi
Works for voice(s) and piano
Where Were the Songs Created [Kus need laululood loodi]for Marta's birthday
voice, piano
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic), VI
Manuscript -
Congratulation [Õnnitlus]1955
voice, piano
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic), XVI
Manuscript -
Mouth Sings, Heart Worries [Suu laulab, süda muretseb]
Sing, Sing, Little Mouth [Laula, laula, suukene]
Song of the Titmouse [Tihase laul]
The Joy of the Youth [Nooruse rõõm]
Summer [Suvi]
Christmas Song [Jõululaul]
Martyr [Kannataja]
On the Fight Path [Võitlusteel]
Beauty Song [Ilu laul]1934
voice, piano
Anthem to Estonia [Hümn Eestile]
Winter Evening [Talveõhtu]
Happiness to You [Õnnepäevaks]1'
voice, piano
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic), XIX
Manuscript -
Who Hears Us Sing [Kes meid kuuleb laulevada]
Works for voice(s) and other instrument(s)
My God! Why Have You Left Me... [Mu Jumal! Miks oled sa mind maha jätnud...]
Anthem to Estonia [Hümn Eestile]
Works for voice(s) with chord symbols or unspecified accompaniment
Works for choir a cappella
Works for mixed choir a cappella
Friendly Song [Sõbralik laul]cantata
voice, mixed choir
Text: Karl Eduard Sööt
Homeland, Homeland [Kodumaa, Kodumaa]
In the End They Shall Be Well [Küll viimaks käib veel hästi selle käsi]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Christian Andreas Bernstein, translated into Estonian by W. Schultz
Manuscript -
Let Me Go [Las ma läen]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Gustav Friedrich Ludwig Knak, translation to Estonian by Wilhelm Kentmann II
Manuscript -
Our Path to Faith is Hard [Küll raske meie usutee]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Christian Friedrich Richter, translated into Estonian by Georg Koik
Manuscript -
Wher Will the Soul Find Peace [Kus leiab hing rahu]
Cheer, Young and Old [Hõisake, noored ja vanad]
I Boast About These Bloody Wounds [Ma kiitlen ükspäinis]
Take Only One Step [Üksainus samm sa astu]
Will So My Beloved Life Die [Kas sureb nii mu kõige armsam elu]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer, translated into Estonian by W. Schultz
Manuscript -
Evening Arrives Again [Õhtu tuleb jälle]
God, I Turn to Thee [Su poole, Jumal]
It's Your Job, That Jesus Christ [Su töö on see, et Jeesus Krist]
My God, Grant Me Grace [Mu Jumal, anna mulle armu]
See, the Golden Sun Has Risen [Näe, ju tõusnud kuldne päike]
Shepherd, You Are Looking After [Karjane, sa valvad]
The Congregation of Fatherland [Isamaa kogudus]
The Hands of Yeshu Are Strong [Tugevad on Jeesu käed]
The Hour Has Come [Nüüd tund on tulnud]
To Home, to Silent Piece [Koju, vaikse rahu poole]
What Shall I, a Sinner, Do [Armas Jeesus, sind ma palun]
When I Went to the Valley of Worry [Kui mureorus käisin]
Where I Find Him [Kus ma teda leian]
Sea Song [Mere laul]
Free Nation [Vaba rahvas]
If I Start to Sing [Kui mina hakkan laulemaie]
Behind the Stars [Tähtede taga]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Ida von Hahn, translated into Estonian by Mihkel Kampmann (Kampmaa)
Manuscript -
Come From the Sky, O Holy Spirit [Püha Vaim, oh tule taevast]
Create, God [Loo mulle, Jumal]
Don't Be Afraid [Ärge kartke]
Future on Our Own Shoulders [Tulevik me oma õlul]
Go Child [Mine, lapsuke]
Great And Marvelous is Thy Work [Suured ja imelised on Su teod]
Hallelujah! I Want to Sing [Halleluuja, tahan laulda]
How Lovely Is Your Holy Temple [Kui armsad on Sinu hooned]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: the psalm 84 of David
CD „Hommikul ja õhtul“, Lambertus (2003); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation, conductor Sigrid Põld
Manuscript -
I Raise My Eyes [Ma tõstan oma silmad]
I Turn to Thee [Su poole pöördun]
I Will Give My Heart [Ma annan oma südame]
Look, This Is the Lamb of the God [Vaata, see on Jumala Tall]
Much Misery [Küll mitmest viletsusest]
Oh, Blessed House (Eduard Niemeyer) [Oh, õnnis maja (Eduard Niemeyer)]sacred song, arrangement after melody written by Eduard Niemeyer
mixed choir
Text: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta, translation into Estonian by Julie Wilhelmine (Helmi) Ederberg
Manuscript -
Prayer [Palve]
Sing a New Song to Jehovah [Laulge Jehoovale uus laul]
Sun Sets [Kustub päike]
The Beauty of the Sunlight [Nüüd päikse valgus iluga]
To New Life [Uude ellu]
Bus Ride [Bussisõit]
Song of Faith [Usulaul]
To Homeland [Kodumaale]
Ancient Expectation [Ennemuistne ootus]
Christmas Night Prayer [Jõuluõhtu-palve]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Aleksander Abel
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation
Manuscript -
Day Ends, Shadows Are Rising [Päev veereb, varjud tõusevad]
Eternal Memory [Igavene mälestus]
Gracious Heavenly Father [Isa, helde, taevane]
Hallelujah! Jesus Lives! [Halleluuja! Jeesus elab!]
Heart Yearns For You, Jesus [Su poole, Jeesus, süda sõuab]
Heavenly Father, Unify Us [Taevane Isa, meil ühenda]
I Am Tired And Want to Breathe [Väsind olen, hingata]
I Know Who Accompanies Me [Ma tean, kes saatjaks mul]
I Thank Thee, God [Ma tänan, armas Jumal]
In the Last Bed [Siin viimses voodis]
In the Past [Küll enne hallis minevikus]
In Your Behalf, the Creator of Heaven and Earth [Su nimel, maa ja taeva Looja]
Let Us Pray And Sing [Oh palugem ja laulgem]
Lord Have Mercy! [Issand, halasta!]
Mightier Than Rays of Dawn [Küll koidukiirtest võimsamad]
Mighty Man [Sa vägev valumees]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Adam Thebesius, translated into Estonian by Martin Lipp
Manuscript -
My God Is My Helping Hand [Mu Jumal on mu abimees]
On the Fight Path [Võitlusteel]
On the Silent, Sacred Hour [Vaiksel pühalikul tunnil]
Parents' Apple of the Eye [Vanemate silmatera]
Returned Traveller [Ma rändamast nüüd tulen]
Sing in Joy On the Victory Day [Nüüd võidupühal hõisake]
Sleep Tight [Maga magusalt]
Song of the Youth [Noorte laul]
Soul, Who You Fight With Concern [Hing, kes sa võitled murega]
Stay Close to Me [Ole minu ligi]My Peace from Heaven
sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Gustav Haller or Georg Kiviste
Manuscript -
Take His Hand Now [Nüüd võta tema käsi]
Towards the Clouds [Te poole, pilvepiirid]
We Pray to Your Spirit, Father [Su Vaimu, Isa, palume]
We, Young [Meid, noored]
When We Young Are Weary [Kui väsime kord noored]
Where the Life Path Takes Us [Kuhu viib meid elutee]
You Have Carried Us As If On Eagle's Wings [Kui kotkatiivul oled kandnud]
You Travel [Sa rändad inimene]
Sleep, Fallen Eagles [Uinuge, langenud kotkad]1939
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Axel Kallas
Greeting Song [Tervituslaul]1937
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Anna Haava
Earth With Us [Maa meiega]1936
mixed choir
Text: Mart Raud
I Love You Estonia [Sind armastan, Eesti]
Oath of Fatherland [Tõotus isamaale]1936
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Siim Jõgiver
Only Land [On üks vaid maa]1936
mixed choir
Raise the Sword Again [Veel tõsta mõõka]1936
mixed choir
Text: Jüri Remmelgas
Shrovetide Song [Vistel, vastel]
Song About You, Homeland [Laulu sinust, kodumaa]1936
mixed choir
Text: Siim Jõgever
Song About You, Homeland [Laulu sinust, kodumaa]1936
mixed choir
Text: Siim Jõgever
Song for Mother [Laul emale]1936
mixed choir or female choir
The Songster's Home [Lauliku kodu]based on Estonian folk tune
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Anna Mathilde Prants
Manuscript -
We Love [Me armastame (seda maad)]1936
mixed choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
When We Are Invited [Kui meid kutsub]1936
mixed choir
Text: J. A. Hermann
Greetings In the Name of the Father (Greeting Song of Bishop) [Nüüd Isa nimel tervitame (Piiskopi tervituslaul)]Flare, My Spark of Faith
sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Aleksander Abel or Hugo Voldemar Pärno (Pärn)
Manuscript -
Here Is the Retreat [Siin rahupaik]
Homeland Song [Kodumaa laul]1935
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Eduard Visnapuu
Let Me Stay Faithful [Lase ustavaks mind jääda]Grace and Mercy or The Holy Spirit, the only help
sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Harri Haamer või Johann Rist
Manuscript -
Life Is Short Here On Earth [Üürike on maine elu]
My Homeland [Mu kodumaa]1935
mixed choir
Text: Markus Univer
My Shepherd, Jehovah [Mu karjane Jehoova]
One Grave Mound [Üks kalmuküngas]
Prayer Song [Palvelaul]
Song of the Youth [Noorte laul]
Then [Siis]
To You [Sinu juurde]
Wedding Song [Laulatuse laul]
When Heart Is Aching [Kui südant piinab valu]
Why Did You Stop, Wanderer [Miks seisad, rändur]
Christmas Night [Jõuluöö]sacred song
mixed choir or female choir or male choir or chidren's choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation
CD „Üks roosike on tõusnud“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2007); Male Ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Jõululaule“, Oleviste Meeskoor (1997); Oleviste Male Choir
Manuscript -
Honor and Praise Should Be Forever [Au, kiitus olgu igavest]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Nikalaus Decius, translation to Estonian by Johannes Hornung
Manuscript -
Like a Thirsty Deer [Otsekui janune hirv]
Men [Mehed]
Over the Water [Üle vee]
Do You Not Know [Eks teie tea]
Wedding’s Joy [Pulma rõõm]
In Autumn [Sügisel]
Near Jesus [Jeesuse ligi]
Our Homeland [Me kodumaad]
To the Stars [Tähtede poole]
Our Land and Homeshore [Me maad ja koduranda]1930
mixed choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
Song of Fatherland [Isamaa laul]
Future [Tulevik]
Kalevipoeg Is a Strong Man [Kalevipoeg kangi meesi]1925
male choir or mixed choir
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic), XVI, 225-249
Manuscript -
Who Wants to Be Liked [Kes meeldida tahab]
Cold [Külm]
Then We Will Wonder [Eks me siis imesta]
Estonian Flag [Eesti lipp]1922
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir or boys' choir
Text: Martin Lipp
CD „Nõo Lipp: Martin Lipu luulet muusikas“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2010); male ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Ei saa mitte vaiki olla“, Tulsa (2008); Bonzo
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
DVD „Estonian Nationwide XXIV Song Celebration. 1. and 2. Concert“, Eesti Televisioon (2005); joint choirs, conductor Kuno Areng
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
CD „Eestimaa mu isamaa: isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (200?); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Estonia, my native land“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1998); Orchestra of Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian National Male Choir, conductor Peeter Saan
CD „Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään, eestlane olla on uhke ja hää: 10 years since the singing revolution“, Forte (1998); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
CD „Kaunimad laulud“, Forte (1994); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Manuscript -
A Lamb Conciliates [Üks tallekene lepitas]
A Rose Has Sprung Up [Üks roosike on tõusnud]
All Thank God Now [Oh võtkem Jumalat]
All That You Undertake [Kõik, mis ette võtad sa]
Anthem to Estonia [Hümn Eestile]
Awake Heart, Sprit and Mind! [Ärka, süda, vaim ja mõte!]mixed choir
Text: Axel Kallas
Be Awaken! So the Watchmen Are Calling [Ärgake! Nii vahid hüüdvad]
Be Faithful Until Death [Ole ustav surmani]mixed choir
Text: after B. Schmolk translated in Estonian by Hugo Victor Carl Wühner
Bring Me Home [Koju mind viige]
By the Grave [Siis, kui haual]
Chime, Chime, the Universe [Helise, helise ilma]1'
male choir or female choir or mixed choir or children's choir
Text: folklore
CD „Choral music. II, Mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); ÜENÜTO Mixed Choir, conductor Gustav Ernesaks
Manuscript -
Christ, Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) [Kristus, Jumala Tall (Agnus Dei)]mixed choir
Text: liturgical
Christendom, Rejoice [Nüüd, ristirahvas, hõisake]
Collective Farmer’s Song [Kolhoosniku laul]mixed choir
Text: Ilmar Sikemäe
Comfort Sad People [Lohutage kurba rahvast]
Conscience [Südametunnistus]mixed choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Dear Christmas Holidays Has Arrived [Nüüd kallid jõulupühad käes]mixed choir or children's choir
Text: Jaan Bergmann
Dear Jesus, My Love [Armas Jeesus, armastaja]
Dear Jesus, We Are Here [Armas Jeesus, avita]
Death Will Still Wait For Us [Keset selle elu sees]
Do Not Punish Me in Your Anger [Issand, oma viha sees]
Estonia, My Native Land [Eesti, mu kodumaa]4'
mixed choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
DVD „Mu mano tulge, latse: EELK kirikupäev ja vaimulik laulupidu AD 2010“, Eesti Rahvusringhääling (2010)
Manuscript -
Everything Should Happen This Way [Kõik sündku ikka nõnda]
Follow Me, Cries Jesus [Mu järel, hüüab Jeesuke]
For Fatherland [Isamaale (Eesti on meie isamaa)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Erich Remmelgas
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Hoia, Jumal, Eestit!: vaimulikke- ja isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (2005); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Õnne, Eesti!“, I. Kinksaar (2004); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
Manuscript -
From My Heart [Ma südamest ja meelest]
Further, Further, Zion [Edasi, edasi, Siion]
Generous Father [Helde Isa]
Go Up to Your Joy [Üles, üles Jeesu juurde]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Johann Caspar Schade, translated into Estonian by Paul Roderich Bidder
Manuscript -
God Can't Leave Them [Ei Jumal neid või jätta]
God Is Near [Ligidal on Jumal]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Gerhard Tersteegen, translated by Carl Peter Ludwig Maurach
Manuscript -
God the Creator of Land and Sea [Jumal, maa ning taeva looja]
God's Way [Kes Jumalat nii laseb teha]
Good Night [Hääd ööd (Hääd und)]
Grace, Who Has Created Me [Arm, kes Sa mind oled loonud]
Handful of Soil [Peotäis mulda]
Heart Whoops Joyfully [Rõõmustades süda hõiskab]
How Should I Accept It [Kuis pean küll vastu võtma]
I Close My Eyes Now [Su nimel lähen nüüd]
I Cry For Your Help, Jesus [Ma hüüan, Jeesus, appi sind]
I Don't Care for the World [Ei ilmast hooli ma]
I Know, What I Believe [Ma tean, mis mina usun]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Ernst Moritz Arndt, translated by Carl Peter Ludwig Maurach
Manuscript -
I Want to Sing to Jesus [Jeesusele tahan laulda]
I Will Not Leave God [Ei lahku mina sinust]
I Would Like to Sing a Song [Ühte laulu]mixed choir or male choir
Text: Gustav Suits
I Would Take a Flower Chain [Ma lillesideme võtaks (Lilleside)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
CD „Choral music. III, Men's choir and mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); Tallinn Male Choirs Association, conductor Eduard Tubin
CD „Sööt muusikasse: juhatab Ants Sööt“, Eesti Naislaulu Selts (2005); Tallinn Educational Workers' Female Choir
CD „Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor“, Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor (1998); Female Choir of Estonian Choral Conductors, conductor Ants Sööt
Distributor: EMIC EV 001emik
Manuscript -
It's Easier to Lift Mountains [Hõlpsam on mägesid tõsta]
Jehovah, I Will Sing to Thee [Jehoova, Sulle tahan laulda]
Jesus, Death Depriver [Jeesus, surma äravõtja]
Jesus, Full of Joy [Jeesus, rõõmustaja]
Jesus, My Saviour [Jeesus, Õnnistegija]
Jesus, Who You Have Saved [Jeesus, kes sa oled päästnud]
Let Us Raise Our Voice of Joy [Nüüd tõstkem rõõmuhääli]
Let Your Voice Be Loud in Song, O Heavens [Hõisake, taevad]mixed choir
Text: Jesaja, Chapter 49
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation, conductor Sigrid Põld
Light of Life [Elu tuli]
Like a Wrecking Lightning [Kui purustaja pikselöök]
Listen from the High Tower [Kõrgest tornist kuulatage]
Lord Jesus Christ, O Highest Good [Oh Jeeses, ülem Abimees]
Lord, I Have Done Evil [Issand, kurja olen teinud]
Lord, I Praise [Nüüd, Jumal, mina kiidan]
Make the Gates High [Nüüd tehke kõrgeks väravad]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Georg Weissel, translated into Estonian by Carl Peter Ludwig Maurach
Manuscript -
Many Young People Are Gathering [On kogunemas hulga noori]
May My Heart Be Merry Now [Mu süda olgu rõõmus nüüd]
Moor [Nõmm]2'
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Morning Song (Hugo Lepnurm) [Hommikulaul (Hugo Lepnurm)]
Moto "Live!" [Moto "Ela!"]mixed choir or male choir
My Duty Is to Be Thankful [Eks mu kohus tänu teha]
My Estonia [Mu Eestimaa]mixed choir
Text: Johann Voldemar Jannsen
CD „Rahvalaulukoor Tarbatu“, Laulukoor Tarbatu (2005); Choir Tarbatu, conductor Lauri Breede
My Name is Written in the Heaven [Mu nimi taevas kirja pandud]
My Soul, Praise Jehovah [Mu hing Jehoovat kiida]
My Soul, Rejoice [Minu hing, oh ole rõõmus]
My Strength, I Want to Love You [Mu jõud, sind tahan armastada]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Johann Scheffler (Angelus Silesius), translated into Estonian by Wilhelm Kentmann II
Manuscript -
Now It Appears Beautifully to Us [Nüüd paistab meile kaunisti]
Oh Adam, Your Mistake [Oh Aadam, sinu eksitus]
Oh Father, to Thy Altar We Come [Oh Isa, Sinu altarile]
Oh Friend of Soul [Oh hinge sõber]
Oh God, I Love You [Ma armastan, oh Jumal, Sind]
Oh Jesus, Your Pain [Oh Jeesus, Sinu valu]
Oh Take Me, My God [Oh võta mind, mu Jumal]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Julie Katharina von Hausmann, translated by Anton Jürgenstein
Manuscript -
Oh You, Pious God [Oh vaga Jumal, Sa]
Oh, Jehova, You Are Great [Oh, Jehoova, Sa oled suur]mixed choir
One is Needful, Oh Lord [Üht on tarvis, armas Jumal]
One Secure Place [Üks kindel linn]
Our Days [Meie päevad]
Our Father in the Heaven [Oh Isa taevariigi sees]
Our Help Comes from God [Meil tuleb abi Jumalast]motet
mixed choir
Our Ruler, Our King [Jumal, vägev valitseja]
Our Song [Meie laul]mixed choir or female choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
Praise the Lord [Kiida nüüd Issandat]
Salvation Now Has Come For All [Suur Jumal, meie varjupaik]
Saviour, You Alone Can Save [Sina üksi jõuad päästa]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Johann Kaspar Lavater, translated into Estonian by Paul Roderich Bidder
Manuscript -
Singers Flag Song [Lauljate lipulaul (Lipulaul)]female choir or mixed choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
Sleep, Dear Child [Oh maga, armas lapsuke]
Song of Slavery [Teoorjuse laul]mixed choir
Text: folklore
Song, Sound Far Powerfully [Laul vägevasti kaugel kosta]
Sorrow [Mure]
Spring Song [Kevadelaul]mixed choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Zion Complains in Great Distress [Siion kaebab suures hädas]
The Holy City Jerusalem [Jeruusalemm, sa püha taevalinn]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Johannes Matthäus Meyfart, translated into Estonian by Carl Eduard Malm
Manuscript -
The Mightiness of the God [Looja vägevus]mixed choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
CD „Laudate Dominum 20: kontsert Tallinna Piiskoplikus Toomkirikus“, EELK Tallinna Piiskoplik Toomkogudus (2011); Choir of the Tallinn Dome Church, Kadri Ploompuu (organ), conductor Veljo Reier
The Morning of the Youth Is Calling [Noorushommik kutsub]
The One I Desire the Most [Ühte ihkan ilmas üle kõige]
The One on the Cross [See, kes ristisambas ripub]sacred song
mixed choir
Text: Johann Ernst Greding, translated into Estonian by Carl Johannes Masing
Manuscript -
The One Who Builds Your Nation's Home [Su rahva koda see ehitab]
The Power of the Religion [Usuvõim]
The Singer [Laulik]mixed choir
Text: folklore
The Singer [Laulik]mixed choir
Text: folklore
To Mother [Emale]
To Young-Estonia [Noor-Eestile]mixed choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Waiting for Santa Claus [Jõulutaadi ootel]mixed choir
Text: Julius Oro
Wake Up, My Heart [Ärka üles, minu süda]
Why Is My Heart Worrying [Miks mu süda ennast vaevab]
Wish [Soov]mixed choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Wonderful Lord [Imeline Issand]
Young Rooster [Noor kukk]
Works for female choir a cappella
I Know That My Redeemer Lives [Ma tean, et mu lunastaja elab]
Happiness [Õnn]
Song of the Youth [Noorte laul]
Spring of the Homeland [Kodumaa kevad]
Sleep, Fallen Eagles [Uinuge, langenud kotkad]1939
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Axel Kallas
Song for Mother [Laul emale]1936
mixed choir or female choir
The Songster's Home [Lauliku kodu]based on Estonian folk tune
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Anna Mathilde Prants
Manuscript -
Homeland Song [Kodumaa laul]1935
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Eduard Visnapuu
The Summer [Suvi]1935
female choir
Text: Ernst Enno
Christmas Night [Jõuluöö]sacred song
mixed choir or female choir or male choir or chidren's choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation
CD „Üks roosike on tõusnud“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2007); Male Ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Jõululaule“, Oleviste Meeskoor (1997); Oleviste Male Choir
Manuscript -
Christmas Snow [Jõululumi]1934
children's choir or female choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
To the Countryside for Christmas [Jõuluks maale]1934
children's choir or female choir
Text: Julius Oro
Our Homeland [Me kodumaad]
Cold [Külm]
Winter Evening [Talvine õhtu]
Estonian Flag [Eesti lipp]1922
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir or boys' choir
Text: Martin Lipp
CD „Nõo Lipp: Martin Lipu luulet muusikas“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2010); male ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Ei saa mitte vaiki olla“, Tulsa (2008); Bonzo
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
DVD „Estonian Nationwide XXIV Song Celebration. 1. and 2. Concert“, Eesti Televisioon (2005); joint choirs, conductor Kuno Areng
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
CD „Eestimaa mu isamaa: isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (200?); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Estonia, my native land“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1998); Orchestra of Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian National Male Choir, conductor Peeter Saan
CD „Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään, eestlane olla on uhke ja hää: 10 years since the singing revolution“, Forte (1998); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
CD „Kaunimad laulud“, Forte (1994); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Manuscript -
Chime, Chime, the Universe [Helise, helise ilma]1'
male choir or female choir or mixed choir or children's choir
Text: folklore
CD „Choral music. II, Mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); ÜENÜTO Mixed Choir, conductor Gustav Ernesaks
Manuscript -
Christmas Snow [Jõululumi]Arrangement fro female choir by Aarne Männik
female choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
Dedication [Pühendus]
Don't Forget the Song [Ärge unustage laulu]Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Tartu Female Choirs Society
feamle choir
Text: Karl Eduard Sööt
CD „Best of Estonian song festivals“, Forte (2005); Female Choir of the Academy of Sciences of Estonian SSR, conductor Arvo Ratassepp
CD „125 years of Estonian song festivals“, Forte (1994); Female Choir of the Academy of Sciences, conductor Arvo Ratassepp
Estonia, My Native Land [Eesti, mu kodumaa]4'
mixed choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
DVD „Mu mano tulge, latse: EELK kirikupäev ja vaimulik laulupidu AD 2010“, Eesti Rahvusringhääling (2010)
Manuscript -
Flourish, Land and Roar, Sea (Juhan Aavik) [Õitse maa ja müha meri (Juhan Aavik)]
For Fatherland [Isamaale (Eesti on meie isamaa)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Erich Remmelgas
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Hoia, Jumal, Eestit!: vaimulikke- ja isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (2005); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Õnne, Eesti!“, I. Kinksaar (2004); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
Manuscript -
For the Holiday of Freedom (Juhan Aavik) [Vabaduspühaks (Juhan Aavik)]
From Gold of the Northern Sun (Tuudur Vettik) [Su Põhjamaa päikese kullast (Tuudur Vettik)]
Good Night [Hääd ööd (Hääd und)]
I Would Take a Flower Chain [Ma lillesideme võtaks (Lilleside)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
CD „Choral music. III, Men's choir and mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); Tallinn Male Choirs Association, conductor Eduard Tubin
CD „Sööt muusikasse: juhatab Ants Sööt“, Eesti Naislaulu Selts (2005); Tallinn Educational Workers' Female Choir
CD „Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor“, Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor (1998); Female Choir of Estonian Choral Conductors, conductor Ants Sööt
Distributor: EMIC EV 001emik
Manuscript -
Lullaby [Unelaul]
My Fatherland is Dear to Me [Mu isamaa on minu arm]
Neighbour Mari [Naabri Mari]1'
female choir
Text: Karl August Hermann
CD „Bridge of song“, TAN: TAM (1998); Female Choir of the Estonian Academy of Science, conductor Merike Toro
On the Morning of Freedom (Konstantin Türnpu) [Priiuse hommikul (Konstantin Türnpu)]
Once There Will Be a Beautiful Home (Mihkel Lüdig) [Sääl kord kasvab kaunis kodu (Mihkel Lüdig)]
Our Song [Meie laul]mixed choir or female choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
Sakala District Unit’s Song [Sakala maleva laul]female choir
Santa Claus [Jõulumees]children's choir or female choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
Shepherd's Song (Eduard Tubin) [Karjase laul (Eduard Tubin)]
Singers Flag Song [Lauljate lipulaul (Lipulaul)]female choir or mixed choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
To Mother [Emale]
To Singing Friends [Laulusõpradele]
Where Is the Home of the Sad [Kus on kurva kodu]
Works for male choir a cappella
Celebration Day [Pidupäev]
Free Nation [Vaba rahvas]
Rain of the Spring [Kevadsadu]
New Home [Uus kodu]
More power to your elbow [Jõudu tööle]
Song of the Youth [Noorte laul]
For Homeland [Kodumaa eest]
My Mother, the One and Only [Ta oli mu ainus]
Sleep, Fallen Eagles [Uinuge, langenud kotkad]1939
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Axel Kallas
Destiny’s Oath [Saatuse vanne]1938
male choir
Text: Karl Eduard Sööt
Greeting Song [Tervituslaul]1937
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Anna Haava
Manly Men [Mehised mehed]
Song to Work [Laul tööle]
Oath of Fatherland [Tõotus isamaale]1936
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Siim Jõgiver
The Songster's Home [Lauliku kodu]based on Estonian folk tune
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Anna Mathilde Prants
Manuscript -
Homeland Song [Kodumaa laul]1935
mixed choir or female choir or male choir
Text: Eduard Visnapuu
Then [Siis]
Christmas Night [Jõuluöö]sacred song
mixed choir or female choir or male choir or chidren's choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation
CD „Üks roosike on tõusnud“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2007); Male Ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Jõululaule“, Oleviste Meeskoor (1997); Oleviste Male Choir
Manuscript -
Fairy Tale [Muinasjutt]
Knights of the Battle [Lahingu ratsud]
Legend [Legend]1934
male choir
Text: Heiti Talvik
Men [Mehed]
Men’s Song [Meeste laul]
Prayer Song [Palvelaul]1934
male choir
Text: Peter Grünfeldt
Do You Not Know [Eks teie tea]
To the Stars [Tähtede poole]
Song of Fatherland [Isamaa laul]
Kalevipoeg Is a Strong Man [Kalevipoeg kangi meesi]1925
male choir or mixed choir
Text: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald "Kalevipoeg" (Estonian national epic), XVI, 225-249
Manuscript -
Estonian Flag [Eesti lipp]1922
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir or boys' choir
Text: Martin Lipp
CD „Nõo Lipp: Martin Lipu luulet muusikas“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2010); male ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Ei saa mitte vaiki olla“, Tulsa (2008); Bonzo
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
DVD „Estonian Nationwide XXIV Song Celebration. 1. and 2. Concert“, Eesti Televisioon (2005); joint choirs, conductor Kuno Areng
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
CD „Eestimaa mu isamaa: isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (200?); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Estonia, my native land“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1998); Orchestra of Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian National Male Choir, conductor Peeter Saan
CD „Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään, eestlane olla on uhke ja hää: 10 years since the singing revolution“, Forte (1998); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
CD „Kaunimad laulud“, Forte (1994); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Manuscript -
Spring Song [Kevadelaul]
Boat [Laevuke]
Chime, Chime, the Universe [Helise, helise ilma]1'
male choir or female choir or mixed choir or children's choir
Text: folklore
CD „Choral music. II, Mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); ÜENÜTO Mixed Choir, conductor Gustav Ernesaks
Manuscript -
Eternity Song [Igaviku laul]male choir
Text: Helena Ranna
For Fatherland [Isamaale (Eesti on meie isamaa)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Erich Remmelgas
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Hoia, Jumal, Eestit!: vaimulikke- ja isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (2005); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Õnne, Eesti!“, I. Kinksaar (2004); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
Manuscript -
Good Night [Hääd ööd (Hääd und)]
Homeland (Aleksander Läte) [Kodumaa (Aleksander Läte)]
I Would Like to Sing a Song [Ühte laulu]mixed choir or male choir
Text: Gustav Suits
I Would Take a Flower Chain [Ma lillesideme võtaks (Lilleside)]mixed choir or male choir or female choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
CD „Choral music. III, Men's choir and mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); Tallinn Male Choirs Association, conductor Eduard Tubin
CD „Sööt muusikasse: juhatab Ants Sööt“, Eesti Naislaulu Selts (2005); Tallinn Educational Workers' Female Choir
CD „Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor“, Eesti Koorijuhtide Naiskoor (1998); Female Choir of Estonian Choral Conductors, conductor Ants Sööt
Distributor: EMIC EV 001emik
Manuscript -
It's Easier to Lift Mountains [Hõlpsam on mägesid tõsta]
Little Boy from the Mountains (Aleksander Läte) [Poisikene mägedelt (Aleksander Läte)]
Moor [Nõmm]2'
mixed choir or male choir
Text: Juhan Liiv
Moto "Live!" [Moto "Ela!"]mixed choir or male choir
Our Childhood Village Lane [Meil aiaäärne tänavas]1'
male choir
Text: Lydia Koidula
To Mulgimaa [Mulgimaale]male choir
Works for children’s choir a cappella
The Songster's Home [Lauliku kodu]based on Estonian folk tune
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Anna Mathilde Prants
Manuscript -
Christmas Night [Jõuluöö]sacred song
mixed choir or female choir or male choir or chidren's choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
CD „Jõua jälle jõuluime“, Lambertus (2007); Chamber Choir Lambertus of Hageri congregation
CD „Üks roosike on tõusnud“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2007); Male Ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Jõululaule“, Oleviste Meeskoor (1997); Oleviste Male Choir
Manuscript -
Christmas Snow [Jõululumi]1934
children's choir or female choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
To the Countryside for Christmas [Jõuluks maale]1934
children's choir or female choir
Text: Julius Oro
Music addition to Julius Oro's and Madis Nurmik's ABC [Noodilisa Julius Oro ja Madis Nurmiku aabitsale]
Estonian Flag [Eesti lipp]1922
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir or boys' choir
Text: Martin Lipp
CD „Nõo Lipp: Martin Lipu luulet muusikas“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2010); male ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Ei saa mitte vaiki olla“, Tulsa (2008); Bonzo
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
DVD „Estonian Nationwide XXIV Song Celebration. 1. and 2. Concert“, Eesti Televisioon (2005); joint choirs, conductor Kuno Areng
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
CD „Eestimaa mu isamaa: isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (200?); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Estonia, my native land“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1998); Orchestra of Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian National Male Choir, conductor Peeter Saan
CD „Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään, eestlane olla on uhke ja hää: 10 years since the singing revolution“, Forte (1998); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
CD „Kaunimad laulud“, Forte (1994); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Manuscript -
Again to the City [Jälle linna]
Child's Summer [Lapse suvi]
Chime, Chime, the Universe [Helise, helise ilma]1'
male choir or female choir or mixed choir or children's choir
Text: folklore
CD „Choral music. II, Mixed choir“, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduse osakond (2009); ÜENÜTO Mixed Choir, conductor Gustav Ernesaks
Manuscript -
Dear Christmas Holidays Has Arrived [Nüüd kallid jõulupühad käes]mixed choir or children's choir
Text: Jaan Bergmann
Estonia, My Native Land [Eesti, mu kodumaa]4'
mixed choir or female choir or children's choir
Text: Peeter Grünfeldt
DVD „Mu mano tulge, latse: EELK kirikupäev ja vaimulik laulupidu AD 2010“, Eesti Rahvusringhääling (2010)
Manuscript -
Let's Go to a Big Party [Lähme suurele peole]
Praising Song [Kiituse laul]children's choir
Santa Claus [Jõulumees]children's choir or female choir
Text: Kustas Põldmaa
The Flowers [Lillekesed]children's choir
Text: Julius Oro
When Will We Get [Millal saame]based on Estonian folk melody
children's choir
Text: folklore
Works for boys’ choir a cappella
Estonian Flag [Eesti lipp]1922
mixed choir or male choir or female choir or children's choir or boys' choir
Text: Martin Lipp
CD „Nõo Lipp: Martin Lipu luulet muusikas“, Nõo kiriku meesansambel (2010); male ensemble of Nõo Church
CD „Ei saa mitte vaiki olla“, Tulsa (2008); Bonzo
CD „Eesti sõdurilaulik: 60 tuntumat sõdurilaulu koos nootidega“, Markelis (2006)
CD „Laulud kaitseväelastele: Eesti sõdurilauliku laulud“, I. Kinksaar (2006); Elmar Kasesalu
DVD „Estonian Nationwide XXIV Song Celebration. 1. and 2. Concert“, Eesti Televisioon (2005); joint choirs, conductor Kuno Areng
CD „Valik isamaa- ja sõdurilaule“, I. Kinksaar (2003); Elmar Kasesalu (bass-baritone)
CD „Eestimaa mu isamaa: isamaalisi laule“, I. Kinksaar (200?); Elmar Kasesalu
CD „Estonia, my native land“, Eesti Kaitseväe Orkester (1998); Orchestra of Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian National Male Choir, conductor Peeter Saan
CD „Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään, eestlane olla on uhke ja hää: 10 years since the singing revolution“, Forte (1998); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
CD „Kaunimad laulud“, Forte (1994); Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste
Works for joint choint choir or multiple choirs a cappella
Beauty Ride [Ilu sõit]ballade
baritone, joint choir (mixed choir, female choir, male choir)
Text: folklore
Works for vocal ensemble
Works for solo voice
Cat's Song [Kassi laul]
Evening Song [Õhtu laul]
In the Morning [Hommikul]
Let's Build Chambers of Peace [Ehitagem rahukojad]
Little Spring Song [Väike kevade laul]
On the Forest Road [Metsateel]
Warbling Swallow [Liiri, lõõri, lõoke]
Wooing Ride [Kosjasõit]
Big Concert [Suur kontsert]
Spin, Little Liis [Ketra, Liisu]
Music to plays
Music for Artur Adson’s play "Country People's Songbook" („Father of Song and Maiden of Letters“) [Muusika Artur Adsoni näidendile „Maarahva laulik“ („Lauluisa ja kirjaneitsi“)]1. Introduction
2. Scene 2 of act I
3. Scene 4 of act I
4. Scene 2 of act II
5. Scene 8 of act III
violin, cello, piano
On the Pasture [Karjamaal]arranged by Heinrich Annion
folk music orchestra: violin, melody zither, accord zither, clarinet in B, accordion, double bass
Oh, Blessed House (Eduard Niemeyer) [Oh, õnnis maja (Eduard Niemeyer)]sacred song, arrangement after melody written by Eduard Niemeyer
mixed choir
Text: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta, translation into Estonian by Julie Wilhelmine (Helmi) Ederberg
Manuscript -
Flourish, Land and Roar, Sea (Juhan Aavik) [Õitse maa ja müha meri (Juhan Aavik)]
For the Holiday of Freedom (Juhan Aavik) [Vabaduspühaks (Juhan Aavik)]
From Gold of the Northern Sun (Tuudur Vettik) [Su Põhjamaa päikese kullast (Tuudur Vettik)]
Homeland (Aleksander Läte) [Kodumaa (Aleksander Läte)]
Little Boy from the Mountains (Aleksander Läte) [Poisikene mägedelt (Aleksander Läte)]
Morning Song (Hugo Lepnurm) [Hommikulaul (Hugo Lepnurm)]
On the Morning of Freedom (Konstantin Türnpu) [Priiuse hommikul (Konstantin Türnpu)]
Once There Will Be a Beautiful Home (Mihkel Lüdig) [Sääl kord kasvab kaunis kodu (Mihkel Lüdig)]
Shepherd's Song (Eduard Tubin) [Karjase laul (Eduard Tubin)]