Neeme Laanepõld


Works for wind orchestra

  • Andante
    wind orchestra
  • The Party Begins [Pidu algab]
    wind orchestra

Works for other orchestras

  • Keila Suite [Keila süit]
    5 movements
    folk music orchestra
  • Dance of Rippling the Linen from Tahkuranna [Tahkuranna linakolkimise tants]
    based on the folk tune
    folk music orchestra
  • Line of Horse Carriages in Kadrina [Kadrina killavoor]
    arrangement of folk song
    folk music orchestra
    Fp: State young violinists' ensemble, conductor Erich Loit; March 31, 1979, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn

  • Tunes from Village Grassland, Songs from Woods [Viise vainult, laule laanest]
    folk music orchestra
  • Two Men from Island of Saaremaa and One from Island Hiiumaa [Kaks saarlast ja hiidlane]
    based on the folk tune
    folk music orchestra



  • From Mustjala to Tarvastu [Mustjalast Tarvastuni]
    8 pieces for violin duo and piano
    2 violins, piano


Works for organ

  • What's in the Heart [Sellest, mis südamel]
    For Hugo Lepnurm's 60th birthday
  • Ten Organ Meditations [Kümme orelimõtisklust]


Works for mixed choir and instrument(s)

  • Lasting Love [Jääv armastus]
    sacred cantata
    soprano, mixed choir, organ
    Text: from the Bible: Rom 8:35; Rom 8:37; Ps 91:11-12; Rom 8:38-39
    Fp: Mixed choir of Tallinn Methodist Church, conductor Urve Aulis; 1989, Tallinn Kaarli Church
    Publisher: EELC Church Music Association

Works for children’s choir and instrument(s)

  • Bird Songs [Linnulaulud]
    1. Lark
    2. Day of the Swallow
    3. Nightingale

    children's choir, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld

Works for voice(s) and orchestra

  • On Night Watch [Öisel vahipostil]
    voice, accompaniment (chord signs) or light music orchestra
    Text: Debora Vaarandi
  • Rest, Tired Hands [Puhake, väsinud käed]
    voice, piano, wind orchestra
    Text: Aino Otto

Works for voice(s) and instrument(s)

  • My Steel Horse [Minu terashobu]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Before and After the Wedding [Enne ja pärast pulmi]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Aino Otto
  • Happy New Year [Head uut aastat]
    voice, accompaniment
    CD „Harri Vasar“, Murutar, Vasar (2006); Harry Vasar (tenor)
    CD „Muinasjutt Printsist ja Papa Carlost“, Sameleid (1996); Harry Vasar (tenor), Estonian Radio Female Ensemble, ensemble Pasunapoisid, conductor Helmut Orusaar
  • Home Island [Kodusaar]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Raid Paavel
  • Let's Go to Work Together, Comrade! [Sammume koos tööle, seltsimees!]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Jüri Shumakov, translated by Neeme Laanepõld
  • Mari from Laanesauna Farm [Laanesauna Mari]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Oh, Georgia, Distant and Beautiful [Oo, Gruusia, kauge ja kaunis]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • On Night Watch [Öisel vahipostil]
    voice, accompaniment (chord signs) or light music orchestra
    Text: Debora Vaarandi
  • On the Home Beach [Kodurannal]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Debora Vaarandi
  • Restoring [Taastamas]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Debora Vaarandi
  • School Reunion Song [Kooli kokkutuleku laul]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Song About Lake Pühajärve [Laul Pühajärvest]
    voie, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • The Flower [Lill]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Alexander Pushkin, translated by August Sang
  • Ulla's Lullaby
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Elvi Sinervo, translated by P. Vaarandi
  • Wedding Waltz [Pulmavalss]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Aino Otto
  • Winter Holiday Party in Kolkhoz [Kolhoosi nääripidu]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
    CD „Eesti 50ndad“, Hitivabrik (2004); Aaro Pärn
  • Young Grandpa [Noor vanaisa]
    2 voices
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld

Works for voice(s) and piano

  • Songs to the Words of Rabindranath Tagore [Laule Rabindranath Tagore sõnadele]
    song cycle
    6 parts
    voice, piano
    Text: Rabindranath Tagore
  • Contemplative Songs [Mõtiskluslaulud]
    1. Lumelaul (Snow Song, Mõkola Vingranovski)
    2. Unusta mind (Forget Me, K. Kublinskas)
    3. Maria (Mõkola Vingranovski)
    4. Mõtisklus (Contemplation, Andres Vanapa)

    voice, piano
    Text: Mykola Vingranovsky, K. Kublinskas, Andres Vanapa
  • Four Songs from a Visit to Finland [Neli laulu külaskäigust Soome]
    1. Helsingi tuled (The Lights of Helsinki)
    2. Langinkoskil (In Langinkoski)
    3. Tammijärvi saun (Tammijärvi Sauna)
    4. Tallinn ootab (Tallinn Is Waiting)
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Cuckoo, Cuckoo! [Kuku, käoke!]
    vocal ensemble, piano
    Text: folklore
  • Fisherman's Songs [Kalurilaulud]
    voice, piano
    Text: Raid Paavel
  • I Only Love You, Dear Jaan [Jaanike, ae!]
    vocal ensemble, piano
    Text: folklore
  • In the Beautiful Spring Month [Kaunil kevadkuul]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Kivikasukas
    Estonian folk dance
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Let Me Be a Bird [Las ma olen lind]
    female ensemble, piano
    Text: Ellen Niit
  • Maybe [Võib-olla]
    2 voices, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Our Strength [Meie jõud]
    youth song
    voice, piano
    Text: Ilmar Sikemäe
  • Party Waltz [Peovalss (Jämejala labajalg)]
    Estonian folk dance
    vocal ensemble, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Prisoner [Vang]
    voice, piano
    Text: Alexander Pushkin
  • Smore Break Songs [Piibutunni laulud]
    song cycle
    male ensemble, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Song of Miller from Island of Muhu [Muhu möldri laul]
    voice, piano
    Text: folklore
  • Spring Song [Kevade laul]
    vocal ensemble, piano
    Text: E. Hiiob
  • Such a Girl [Selline tüdruk]
    voice, piano
    Text: Tõnis Lehtmets
  • Tammijärvi Sauna [Tammijärve saun]
    male ensemble, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Tender Songs [Helluslaulud]
    song cycle
    voice, piano
    Text: Eino Leino
  • We Cherish Home [Kodu kalliks peame]
    soloist, ensemble, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld

Works for mixed choir a cappella

  • Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened [Tulge minu juurde kõik]
    mixed choir
    Text: Matt. 11: 28
  • Dance Song [Tantsulaul]
    Estonian folk dance
    mixed choir

    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Hush, Hush, Sweetie [Kussu, kussu, kukukene]
    mixed choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Seagull-Fisherman [Kajakas-kalamees]
    youth choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Young Fishermen's Dance Song [Kalurinoorte tantsulaul]
    mixed choir
    Text: Raid Paavel

Works for female choir a cappella

  • Autumn Song [Sügiselaul]
    female choir
    Text: Gustav Suits
  • If Only That Man Be Ours! [Oleks see meesi meie!]
    female choir
    Text: from the epic "Kalevipoeg"
  • Beauty Maker [Ilutegija]
    female choir
    Text: folklore
  • Childhood Song [Lapsepõlve lauluke]
    female choir
    Text: Minni Nurme
  • I Would Build a House Under the Oak Tree [Toa teeks ma endal tamme alla]
    Estonian folk tune
    female choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld after Estonian folklore
  • These are Daughters [Need on tütred]
    female choir
    Text: from the epic "Kalevipoeg"
  • To Songsters [Laulikutele]
    female choir
    Text: Juhan Liiv

Works for male choir a cappella

  • Sledges, Wheels, Arched Trees [Reed, rattad, rangipuud]
    based on Estonian folk tune
    male choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld (based on motifs of Estonian folklore)
  • To Finish [Lõpetuseks]
    based on Estonian folk tune
    male choir
    Text: folklore
  • I Wish I Had a Chamber [Oleks mul üks kamber]
    male choir
    Text: Juhan Liiv
  • Be Diligent in the Morning [Ole hoolas hommikulla]
    male choir
    Text: folklore
  • Blacksmith Polka [Sepa-polka]
    male choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Roar at Dawn, Sea [Mühise koidikul, meri]
    male choir
    Text: Raid Paavel
  • An Old Woman Spins [Eidekene ketrab]
    Development of Estonian folk song
    male choir
    Text: folklore
  • Dove [Tuvikene]
    Hungarian folk song
    male choir
  • Drinking Song [Joogilaul]
    male choir
    Text: from the epic "Kalevipoeg"
  • Home-Beacon Calls [Kutsub kodumajakas]
    male choir
    Text: Vladimir Beekman
  • Opening Song [Avalaul]
    male choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Song of the Juice Makers [Mahlameistrite laul]
    male choir
    Text: Harald Suislepp

Works for children’s choir a cappella

  • Cuckoo, Cuckoo! [Kuku, kuku, käokene]
    children's choir
    Text: folklore
  • Festive Song [Pidulik laul]
    children's choir
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Jolly Hiking Song [Lõbus matkalaul]
    children's choir
    Text: Ralf Parve


Songs for children

  • Common Starling
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Corn Crake [Rääk]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Cuckoo [Kägu]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Dove [Tuvi]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Grandmother's Helper [Memme abiline]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Honeypaw [Mesikäpp-Kirjutäpp]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Õ. Seilmann-Suu
  • Our Sanitary Unit [Meie sanitaarpost]
    voice, acompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Songmaster Rooster [Laulumeister kukk]
    voice, accompaniment
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Sparrow [Varblane]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld
  • Woodpecker [Kärmasnokk]
    voice, piano
    Text: Neeme Laanepõld

Instrumental works for children

  • Two Contrasts [Kaks kontrasti]
    3 violins, cello