Calendar of Music Events

Chruch Day and Sacred Song Festival:. The Concert of Ambient music

Location: Viljandi St. John's Church
Time: 21:00

Meelis-Lauri Erikson - electronics
Tarmo Linnas - synthesizers, sequencer

The concert will be given by Meelis-Lauri Erikson and Tarmo Linnas, both practitioners of electronic ambient music, and lutheran pastors. It is meditative music that is therapeutically balanced and relaxing.

Meelis-Lauri Erikson performs selected passages from the Psalms, as well as newer songs from the album “Paus”. The meditative music of Tarmo Linnas is created with the help of synthesizers and sequencers and is largely improvisational. The music he creates and performs reflects the result of processes that have taken place in his own inner world over time, its ordering. What makes this music alternative is its opposition to the mainstream – commercial, pop and the like. The secular vision of the clergy is also opposed to atheism, anticlericalism and other ideologies born of materialism.

Ticket 5-15 on spot
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