Calendar of Music Events

Tartu 2024 Song and Dance Celebration. Tartu Song Celebration “Õnn ja rõõm”

Location: Tartu Song Festival Grounds
Time: 18:00

Tartu 2024 Song and Dance Celebration week culminates with the Tartu Song Celebration on the themes of joy and happiness. 

What is happiness? Where can we find it? Can joy come in many forms? Why is it even important to talk about joy and happiness?

At each stage of our lives, we feel these feelings in a slightly different way, and often, we forget to take note of them. Be it dancing, singing, or playing an instrument – the magic lies in creating something together. In rehearsals, on the green, under the arch. The moment when co-creation takes on wings, are unforgettable, and that is where happiness is.

Tartu Song Celebration was intended to remind us what joy and delight it is that we are able to come together and sing from the heart for ourselves, our loved ones and for our country.

Almost 10,000 singers and musicians perform at the Tartu Song Celebration with a variety of new and old songs. Event is preceded by a procession starting at 16:00.

Tartu Song Celebration “Õnn ja rõõm” is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 side programme.

Ticket: Piletilevi
More info: Tartu 2024 Song and Dance Celebration

