Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School Didactics of Arts announces the 3rd Digital Composition Contest for school students. Deadline is March 28, 2016.
A – Dance music
B – Soundtrack/experimental music (ambient, film soundtrack, natural source recordings, musical and rhythmical effects, sound textures)
Age groups:
Pupils 11–15 and 16–19
Length of the composition: 3–4 minutes
The music must be composed using computer and sound libraries, samples, rhytmical and musical loops, virtual instruments, sound effects. Composer may use musical and rhytmical loops but must compose his own melody (vocal) and/or theme (instrumental). The authors’ right responsibility has to be taken by the submitter of the piece.
Head of Jury: composer Priit Pajusaar
Avo Ulvik (Lecturer of Sound Design and Multimedia), Gerhard Lock (Lecturer of Musicology, Composer), dr Marit Mõistlik-Tamm (Lecturer of Music), dr Tiina Selke (Professor of Music Education Didactics, initiator of the contest)
To register to the contest apply online. The pieces attached to the application (maximum 2 for each category) should be sent as MP3 to tlumuusika@gmail.com. Files bigger than 10 MB we kindly ask to make downloadable through WeTransfer or some other cloudserver (G-Drive, Dropbox) putting the link into the place indicated in the application form. Please compile the file name as follows: authors surname_category (A or B)_title_of_the_piece (e.g.: Kask_A_Dance-dance-dance)
Deadline of the contest: 28.03.2016
Questions? marit.moistlik-tamm@tlu.ee